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Profile of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry


Research Area

  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry

Featured Publications

Courses Teaching

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • General Chemistry
  • GreenChemistry
  • Natural Product Chemistry
  • Chemotheraphy

Education & Career of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry



Ph. D
Subject : Chemistry
Institution : Department of Chemistry, Bharathiar University
Affiliated University : 
Year of Award : 2004

Subject :    
Institution : 
Affiliated University : 
Year of Award : 

Subject :  Chemistry
Institution : Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 1999

Subject : Chemistry
Institution: Kongunadu Arts and Science College 
Affiliated University : Bharathiar Universit 
Year of Award : 1997



Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College  
Designation : Assistant Professor and Head of the Department
Period :  - To Year

Past Experience

Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College 
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : From Year -To Year


Research Areas of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry


Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Synthesis of bioactive hetercyclic compounds, Photocatalytic activities of organic dyes and crystallographics NLO Properities of Charge transfer complexes

Natural product chemistry

phytochemistry, Isolationand extraction of Natural products


Publications of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry



11.Title of the Publication :Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of pyrazolino and isoxazoloannelated cyclopent[b]indole derivatives
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
   Year:August (2020)

10.Title of the Publication : Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Database of chemical compound structures


9.Title of the Publication :Synthesis,charactersiation and antimicrobial evaluation ofpyrazolino andisoxazolinocyclohept[b] indole Derivative
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews

8.Title of the Publication :Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of PyrimidoCyclohept[b] Indole Derivatives
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Der Pharma Chemica

7.Title of the Publication :Tranquil Synthesis, Antimicrobial, Anticancer Activities and DNA Cleavage study of Hydroxy- and Mercapto- Pyrimido Carbazole Derivatives
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

6.Title of the Publication :Synthesis and biological evaluation of Substituted Pyrimido and Pyrazolinocycloocta[b]indoles
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment,Vol
   Year:November (2018)

5.Title of the Publication :Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of Pyrimido and Mercaptopyrimidocycloocta[b]indole Derivatives
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences,
   Year:January-February (2018)

4.Title of the Publication :V Biotreatment of a Triphenylmethane dye Solution using Medicinal Plant Rhizome: Acorus Calamus
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:Journal of Chemical Sciences
   Year:April (2015)

3.Title of the Publication :Potential of Bio-Sorbent Derived from MillingtoniaHortenesis Leaves for SorptiveEradicaton of Crystal Violet Dye from Aqueous Media in Eco-Friendly Way
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:International Research Journal of Environment Sciences
   Year: December (2014)

2.Title of the Publication :Sorption equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamic studies of cationic dye from aqueous solution using herbal adsorbent developed from rhizome of Acorus Calamus;
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry
   Year: June – August (2014)

1.Title of the Publication :BaskerBio-Sorption of Basic Dye from Aqueous
   Name of the authors:V. Sangeetha
   Journal name:International Journal of Green and HerbalChemistry;
   Year:March – May (2014)



2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


1.Title of the Publication : Synthesis, Characterisation and Biological study of Pyrazolino and Isoxazolocycloocta[b]indole Derivatives
   Name of the authors: Dr.V.Sangeetha
   Journal name:Indian Journal of Chemistry-B



1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 


1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 



1.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 

2.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 


1.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 

2.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 


Books Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Books :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year : 

Chapter Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Chapter :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year :


1. Name of the Authors :  
    ID/Ref No : 
    Year : 


Courses Handled by
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry


Course Teaching

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • General Chemistry
  • GreenChemistry
  • Natural Product Chemistry
  • Chemotheraphy

Course Material



Projects Handled by
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry


Funded Project 


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :  Synthesis, Charaterization, anticancer, DNA Binding, DNA Cleavage and Cytotoxicity of Carbazole and Cyclopent[B]Indole
Funding Agency : UGC
Amount : 1,95,000.00
Duration : 2 Years

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 


Consultancy Project


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency : 

Amount : 

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount : 

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 



Research Guidance of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry



1.Name of the Candidate : 
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :M. Kalai selvi
  Title of the Thesis : Synthesis, studies and adsorption properties of organic dyes
  Date of Award :2016

2.Name of the Candidate :R. Tamilarasan
  Title of the Thesis : Synthesis, Charaterization and biological activities of Carbazole and Indole derivatives
  Date of Award :2020

3.Name of the Candidate :V. Ramya
  Title of the Thesis : Synthesis, Charaterization and biological activities of Carbazole, Cyclopenta[b]indole and Cyclohepta[b]Indole derivatives
  Date of Award : 2021



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate : Reshma.N
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesisand  Charaterization of Ruthenium complexs
  Date of Award : 2009

2.Name of the Candidate :Raziya Banu.M
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesisand  Charaterization of isoxazolocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2009

3.Name of the Candidate :Baby surya.P
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesisand  Charaterization of pyrazolinocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2009

4.Name of the Candidate :Welborn.LR
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesisand  Charaterization ofthiopyrimidocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2009

5.Name of the Candidate :Sarumathi.M
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesisand  Charaterization of mercaptopyrimidocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2010

6.Name of the Candidate : Prubhu. C
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesisand  Charaterization ofpyrimidocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2010

7.Name of the Candidate :Nandhini.
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesis and  Charaterization ofpyrazolinocyclopent[b]indoles
  Date of Award : 2011

8.Name of the Candidate :Johnwilliams.D
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesis and  Charaterization of isoxazolocyclopent[b]indoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2011

9.Name of the Candidate :Sabeer.K
  Title of the Dissertation :Synthesis and  Charaterization of pyrazolino carbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2012

10.Name of the Candidate :Jagadeesh
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesisand  Charaterization of isoxazolocarbazoles Compounds
  Date of Award : 2012

11.Name of the Candidate : K. Divya
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesis, Charaterization of Pyrimido Compounds
  Date of Award : 2015

12.Name of the Candidate : P. Adira
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesis, Charaterization of Pyrido Compounds
  Date of Award : 2015

13.Name of the Candidate : R. Rajesh
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesis, Charaterization of Oxazolo Compounds
  Date of Award : 2015

14.Name of the Candidate : V. Kalpana
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesis, Charaterization of Pyrazolo Compounds
  Date of Award : 2016

15.Name of the Candidate : M. Jeena Elasa Raju
  Title of the Dissertation : Synthesis, Charaterization of Indole Compounds
  Date of Award : 2018



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



Institutional Responsibilities of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry


Administrative (KASC)

1.Name of the Responsibility :  College of Excellence
  Period :  2018 - Till date
  Designation :  Co-Ordinator
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Implementation of Scheme

2.Name of the Responsibility :  NAAC 
  Period :  2017 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Consolidating Curricular aspects of all departments

3.Name of the Responsibility :  Governing Body
  Period :  2016 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility : Consolidating all academic activities

4.Name of the Responsibility :  Exam Committee
  Period :  2014 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Framing Modalities

5.Name of the Responsibility :  IQAC 
  Period :  2014 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Consolidating Department activities

6.Name of the Responsibility :  CIA Committee
  Period :  2014 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Framing Modalities

7.Name of the Responsibility :  Alumini Association 
  Period :  2013 - Till date
  Designation :  Treasurer
  Nature of the Responsibility : 

8.Name of the Responsibility :  Member Academic council 
  Period :  2013 - Till date
  Designation :  Member
  Nature of the Responsibility :  Implementation of Scheme


Administrative (Other)

1.Name of the Responsibility : 
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Awards & Memberships of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry



Academic awards

1.Awarding agency : 
   Country : 
   Title of paper :
   Date of Award :


Membership in Professional Bodies

1.Organization : Indian Science Congress
   Type of Membership : Life Member
    Period : Life Member


Visits/Collaborations/Others of
Dr.V. Sangeetha

Dr.V. Sangeetha
Assistant Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Natural product chemistry



1.Countries Visits : 
   Duration of Visit : 
   Month and Year : 
   Purpose of Visit :


