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Certification Programme



The eligibility conditions and the general procedure for the conduct of the Certificate Examination for Cadets of Senior and Junior Division/Wings NCC(All wings) have been issued by this HQ from time to time. The aim of this Directive is to consolidate all such instruction and revise these, where necessary.

 Type of Examination:

The type of Certificate Examination and the unit in which these are held are given below

                              Type of Certificate             NCC Unit

 NCC                      Certificate 'B'& 'C'              Senior Division/Wing NCC

 Eligibilities for Certificate Examination:

 For "B" Certificate Examination(Senior Division)

1. The Cadet must be in second year of SD/SW NCC Training

2. Must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC/Attachment training with regular Army, Navy, Air Force Units.

3. Cadets possessing 'A' Certificate will be awarded 10 bonus marks.

4. The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years for Senior Division Wing NCC (All Wings). Break in the NCC service of the cadet SD/SE prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge to count his service for Certificate 'B' Examination. In case the break exceed 18 months the following procedure will be adopted.

"If he had been on the unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total periods during his NCC service he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for certificate 'B' Examination. In all other cases where above conditions are not fulfilled, the cadet must attend a minimum 75% periods of the first and second years of training."

5. An Air Wing Cadet must do a minimum of 10 Glide launches.

For "C" Certificate Examination(Senior Division):

1. Cadet must have passsed 'B' certificate.

2. The Cadet must be in second/third year of SD/SW NCC Training

3. The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of 3rd year syllabus during the academic session.

4. Break in the NCC Service of the SD/SW Cadet prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge to count his previous service for Certificate 'C' examination. In case the break exceeds 18 months, the following procedure will be adopted

"If he had been on the Unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total period during his NCC service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for Certificate 'C' examination. In all other cases where above conditions are not fulfilled, the Cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second year of training."

5. Must have attended two Camp.

Permission to Appear in Certificate Examination after Discharge:

Cadets who ceased to be on rolls of NCC may be permitted to appear for certificate 'A' Examination for Junior Division/Wing and 'B' &"C" for Senior Division/Wing NCC at their own expenses within a period of 12 months of their discharge from the NCC, provided they were otherwise eligible at the time of their discharge.

The ex-cadet so eligible can appear for the examination at any place in India by applying for the same, alongside with discharge certificate, to Local Unit Commander. The Group Commander is empowered to accept such requests from the ex-cadets.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):

  • A NCC cadet (Girl's Wing) should have a minimum attendance of 40 hours per semester, totally, 160 hours for four semesters. Only then is she eligible for one credit point to be added towards her degree.
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