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Regulatory Compliance

OBC Cell


Our College established OBC Cell for the betterment of the OBC Students. The College takes special interest in facilitating financial support to the students of these communities from the Government and Non-governmental organizations. The cell is actively functioning for the welfare of OBC students.


Various Clubs of Committees

  • Cultural Club
  • Music Club
  • Health & Fitness Club
  • Yoga & Meditation Club
  • Kongu Photo & Video Club
  • Reading and Drama Club
  • Quiz, Radio Programmes & Inter-Collegiate Events Club
  • Consumer Club
  • Swami Vivekananda Study Circle
  • Tamilzhar Tharkappu Kalai Mandram
  • I-Hub
  • Institutional Innovation Club

List of Committees

  • Planning and Evaluation Committee.
  • Academic Audit Committee.
  • Admission Selection Committee.
  • Research Committee.
  • Students Welfare and Grievance Redressal Committee.
  • Staff Welfare and Grievance Redressal Committee.
  • CIA Examination Committee.
  • Examination Committee.
  • Library Committee.
  • National Digital Library of India Club.
  • Sports Committee.
  • Magazine Committee.
  • IQAC-Kongu Newsletter Committee.
  • Calendar Committee.
  • College Website Committee.
  • Purchase Committ

About Committees

The College has the following committees to ensure proper management of academic, administrative activities and evaluation. All committees meet periodically and discuss the matters in connection with quality sustenance and quality enhancement.

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