Er.Somasundaram is one of the Pillars of Kongunadu Arts and Science College. He has held various positions in the college, beginning as a council member in 1973; he scaled the ladder as Joint Secretary and as Vice President and as the President from 2012 to 2015. He is a man of strong and clear convictions endowed with keen sense of imagination and dedication. He is presently serving as President of Kongunadu Arts and Science College – Council, College Committee & Academic Council. His sharp Business and Educational Acumen has elevated the College to achieve the “College of Excellence” status by UGC and many more accolades in the near future.
He hails from Coimbatore and started his academic high schooling from Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya High School (1946-1952) and entered his intermediate education at PSG Arts and College (1952-1954). He entered his professional graduation B.E Mechanical Engineering at Madras University (PSG College of Technology (1954-1958)) and later became the Fellow at Institution of Engineers (India). He is not only an Academician but also a Sportsperson. He has been the Captain of PSG Tech College Volley Ball Team (1957-1958) and his leadership skills has taken its root when he became the Chairman of PSG Tech Students’ Union (1957-1958).
Having gained his requisite knowledge and skill in academics he underwent a year of pruning his skills in PSG Industrial Institutes and joined M/s. Texmo Industries in 1960 and continued as its Chief Executive till 1978. He was responsible for the overall development and establishment of Texmo Brand Pump sets throughout India.
His innovative thirst drove him to establish M/s.Velumani Engineering Industry in 1962. The industry manufactured Starters, Switches and Grey Iron Casting. Subsequently, Diesel Engines and Compressors were added to the production range. He also founded M/s.Rangavale Industries in 1973 as a second unit for manufacturing new range of Starters & Switches. At Present he is the Chairman Emeritus of Velumani & Rangavale Group of Companies and is continuing his services in Social, Educational, Medical & Professional fields.
Currently Er.R.Somasundaram holds numerous positions to his credit. He is the Vice President and member of the Managing Committee, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Institutions. He is the Trustee of Avinashilingam Educational Trust (including Avinashilingam University). Member of Governing Council & Academic Council of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Polytechnic, Member of College Committee of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Arts and Science & Academic Council. He is also the Life Member of Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education and The Coimbatore Productivity Council. He joined Freemasonry in 1973 & continues to be very active - well recognized for his services to Freemasonry by Grand Lodge of India.
His journey towards success optimized him through various roles and positions that he held moulding him to be a multi-skilled and multifaceted personality. His service to the medical field is highly noteworthy. He has been the Founder Trustee (1978-2016), Founder Treasurer (1978-2007), Hon. Secretary (2007-2012), Chairman & Managing Trustee - (2012-2016) and Advisor – Admin (2016-2020) of Coimbatore Masonic Charity Trust & Coimbatore Masonic Medical Centre For Children. He is the Founder & Managing Trustee of Rangasivam Charity Trust (1980-2021). Founder Member, Vice President and Management Committee of Avinashilingam Jan Shikshan Sansthan(1984-2008).
He was the President of Small industries Testing & Research Centre (SiTarc) (1994-1996), Southern India Engg Manufacturers Association (1988-89 &1989-90), The Coimbatore Productivity Council (1976-1977), Vice President of Indian Pum Mfrs. Association, Bombay (1977& 1978). He was the Hon. Secretary of The Southern India Engg. Mfrs.Association (1966 to 1972) and Sitarc (1990-1992).
He was the Chairman of Coimbatore Local Centre, Institution of Engineers (India) (1978-80), Chief Patron of Coimbatore District Volleyball Association (2012-2015), President of Coimbatore District Volleyball Association (1990-1994), President of PSG Tech Alumni Association (1960-61), (1964-66 & 1976-78).
He was also the Member of various Executive Committees like All India Electric Motor Mfrs.Association, Bombay (4 years). Senate, Bharathiar University (1987 to 1990). Governing Council, PSG College of Technology (1980-1995 & 2008- 2010) & Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, College Committee, PSG College of Arts & Science (1981-2005). Working Group of All India Board of Technical Education, Govt. of
India(1984), General Council, ISI, New Delhi(1985-1987), Executive Committee, Institute of Standards Engineers (Coimbatore Section), Academic Council – PSG College of Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science and Government College of Technology.
Member: Management Committee, Sri Avinashilingam Water and Energy Training Institute and he was the Director of Coimbatore Cosmopolitan Club (1992-1995).
Above all his greatest possession and position is being the head of his family journeying hand in hand with his beloved wife Mrs.Valliammal and he is blessed with three Daughters, Six Grand Children and Six Great Grand Children.