Profile of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Research Area
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Featured Publications
- IOT & Digital Lives : Empirical Approach on the security ,privacy and trust for Enhanced IOT user Experience.
Courses Teaching
Foundation of Robotics , Natural Language Processing, Python programming , Cyber Security.
Education & Career of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Research Areas of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Publications of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Courses Handled by Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Projects Handled by Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Research Guidance of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Institutional Responsibilities of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
- ICT Academy mentor to the school of computer science.
- Participating in department activites,contributing to curriculam development ,and providing academic and professonial guidance to students.
- contributing publishing research papers and attending conferences.
Awards & Memberships of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.
Visits/Collaborations/Others of Mrs.R.Pavithra
Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, and Data Mining with Quantum Computing.