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Profile of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change



Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change


Featured Publications

  • Investigation of functional groups in epidermal mucus of endemic Bagridae fishes of Western Ghats

Courses Teaching

Biodiversity and Evolution

Microbiology and Immunology


Environmental Biology


Animal diversity


Education & Career of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change




Ph. D
Subject : Marine Biology and Oceanography 
Institution : Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, ICAR, Chennai-28 
Affiliated University :University of Madras
Year of Award : 2011

Subject :  Marine Biology and Oceanography 
Institution : CAS in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science
Affiliated University: Annamlai University
Year of Award : 2004

Subject : Zoology
Institution: National College
Affiliated University : Bharathidasan University
Year of Award : 2001



Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period :19.08.2013- Till Date

Past Experience

Institute Name: Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
Designation : Senior Research fellow
Period : Nov. 2004 - Nov. 2006

Institute Name: Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
Designation : Senior Research fellow
Period : Dec. 2006 - Jul.2008

Institute Name: Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
Designation : Research Fellow 
Period : Apr. 2010 - Feb. 2011

Institute Name: Madras Research Center of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Designation : Research Associate
Period : March. 2011- Aug. 2013


Research Areas of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change



Title of the Research Area

Description of the Title:


Publications of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change




25.Title of the Publication : Investigation of functional groups in epidermal mucus of endemic Bagridae fishes of Western Ghats
     Name of the authors:  S.Raja 
     Journal name: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
     Year: 2022

24.Title of the Publication : Biochemical, mineral analysis and anti-oxidant activity of Zonaria crenataj. agardh (brown alga)
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: Aegaeum journal
     Year: 2020

23.Title of the Publication : Analysis of bioactive compounds by gas chromatography - mass spectrum and anti-bacterial activity of Zonaria crenata
      Name of the authors: S.Raja
      Journal name: Aegaeum journal
      Year: 2020

22.Title of the Publication : Anesthetic properties and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of methanolic flower extract of Lawsonia inermison Xiphophorus helleriifish
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: Aegaeum journal
     Year: 2020

21.Title of the Publication : Anesthetic properties and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of different solvent extraction of Acorus calamus l. on Amatitlania nigrofasciata fish
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: Aegaeum journal
     Year: 2020

20.Title of the Publication : Analysis of chemical compounds by using gas chromatography and mass spectrum analysis, in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of methanolic extracts of seaweed Ulva flexuosa wulfen(green algae)
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: Aegaeum journal
     Year: 2020

19.Title of the Publication : Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrum Analysis and In VitroAntibacterial Activity of Macro Alga Hypnea Valentiae
     Name of the authors:  S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
     Year: 2020

18.Title of the Publication : Assessment of photo degraded PVC microplastic in Oreochromis niloticus and Spinacia oleracea using aquaponic system
     Name of the authors:  S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
     Year: 2020

17.Title of the Publication : Preliminary Studies on Antioxidant Activity of Extract Obtained from Black Cartenter Ant Camponotus compresses (Fab.,) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
     Name of the authors:  S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
     Year: 2020

16.Title of the Publication : Sources and Impact of Microplastic Pollution in Indian Aquatic Ecosystem: A Review
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: Current World Environment
     Year: 2020

     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Year: 2020

14.Title of the Publication : Chitosan Extraction and its characterization from Black Ant Camponotus compressus
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
     Year: 2020

13.Title of the Publication : Biochemical, Mineral Analysis and Anti-Oxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Ulva Flexuosa and Hypnea Valentiae
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews
     Year: 2020

2012 - 2019

12.Title of the Publication : Observation of Aqua-Bio fertilizer nutrients influence ofTrigonella foenum-graecum L.growth in mediated Aquaponics system for food security
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews
     Year: 2019

11.Title of the Publication : Studies on the Integrated Aquaponic System with Green Herbal Cultivation by using Liquid Fertilizer of Seaweed,Turbinaria conoides
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews
     Year: 2019

10.Title of the Publication : Exploration of Bioactive Compounds from Camponotus compressus using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy for Therapeutic Applications
     Name of the authors: S.Raja
     Journal name: International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews
     Year: 2019

9.Title of the Publication : Comparative analysis of animal based feed preferences in selected Aquarium fishes
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
   Year: 2019

8.Title of the Publication : Utilization of weed species Ageratum conyzoides assources for Silver Nanoparticles and exploring its antibacterial activity
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
   Year: 2019

7.Title of the Publication : Evaluation of Antimicrobial activity of different solvent extracts of Camponotus compressus
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
   Year: 2019

   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences
   Year: 2018

5.Title of the Publication : Beneficial and destructive effects of Probiotics in Aquaculture systems- A review
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
   Year: 2015

4.Title of the Publication : Bioremediation by using of microbes and algae with special reference to Coastline Environment
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Biosciences and Nanosciences
   Year: 2014

3.Title of the Publication : Potential of ornamental fish culture and marketing strategies for future prospects in India
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: International Journal of Biosciences and Nanosciences
   Year: 2014

2.Title of the Publication : Dissimilar biosecurity measures and their adoption gap in commercial shrimp hatcheries in India - an exploratory study
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh
   Year: 2013

1.Title of the Publication : Extension Approach for an Effective Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension Service in India
   Name of the authors: S.Raja
   Journal name: Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
   Year: 2012


2021 - 2022

12. Title of the Publication :  Antimicrobial acivities of certain Seaweeds from muddy shore places of Kerala.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Kong. Res. J.
      Year: 2021

2006 - 2020

11. Title of the Publication :  Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) of coastal fisherfolk on climate change - a case study in Chennai, south-east coast of India.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian J. Fish.
      Year:  2015

10. Title of the Publication :  Preliminary observation on dominance of crustacean larvae in the diet of little tunny Euthynnus affinis(Cantor,1849) caught off Chennai and Cuddalore coast.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian Journal of Fisheries
      Year:  2014

  9. Title of the Publication :  Correlation between changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and fish catch along Tamil Nadu coast- an indication of impact of climate change on fisheries?.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian Journal of Fisheries
      Year:  2014

   8.Title of the Publication :  Economic Losses due to Disease Incidences in Shrimp Farm India.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Fishery Technology
      Year: 2013

   7.Title of the Publication :  Information Seeking Behaviour of Extension personnel in Aquaculture Sector.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Fishery Technology
      Year: 2012

   6.Title of the Publication :  Adoption Gaps in Good Management Practices (GMPs) of Shrimp Aquaculture.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian Journal of Extension Education.
      Year:  2009

   5.Title of the Publication :  Extent of Adoption gaps in Good Management Practices (GMPs) of Shrimp Farming.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian Journal of Fisheries
      Year: 2008

   4.Title of the Publication :  Extension Methodology for Sustainable Coastal Aquaculture
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  J. Indian. Soc. Coastal Agric.Res.,
      Year: 2006

   3.Title of the Publication :  Research - extension linkage in coastal aquaculture.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  J. Indian. Soc.Coastal Agric. Res.,
      Year: 2006

   2.Title of the Publication :  Extension Methodologies Used by Private Extension Personnel in Coastal Aquaculture.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Indian Journal of Extension Education
      Year: 2006

   1.Title of the Publication :  Information Management Behaviour of Coastal Aqua Farmers.
      Name of the authors:  S.Raja
      Journal name:  Fishery Technology
      Year: 2006



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1.Title of the Conference :   The Role of awareness campaigns and extension programme activities in environmental education and management along north Tamilnadu coast.
   Name of the Author :   Nammalwar. P, C.Thompson Jacob, S. Raja, T.D. Babu, Joice V. Thomas and K. Shakil
   Year :   2009
   Institution:   Jadavapur University, Kolkata.1-13.

2.Title of the Conference :   Conservation Strategies for sea turtles along the Tamilnadu coast, India. In: 30th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle biology and conservation
   Name of the Author :   Babu T.D, S. Raja, P. Nammalwar and C. Thomson Jacob
   Year :   2010
   Institution:   International Sea Turtle Society, Panjim, Goa, India,1-7.

3.Title of the Conference :    Studies on harmful effects of blue green algae, Oscillatoria salina on white shrimp Penaeus indicus in the shrimp farm at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu”. III rd International conference on “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Science (ICEES-2011)
   Name of the Author :    D. Jagadeesan, S. Raja and K.Sampath.
   Year :   2011
   Institution:   Institute of Eco-toxicology and Environmental Sciences (Registration No. S/1L/5866 dated 8.10.2001), Registered Office Y/7, Cluster-XI, Purbachal, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700097.

4.Title of the Conference :   Changes in Sea Surface Temperature along Tamil Nadu coast- an indication of climate change? 9thInternational conference on “Renaissance in Fisheries: Outlook and Strategies”, Chennai.
   Name of the Author :   Shoba Joe Kizhakudan, S.Raja, K.S.Gupta, R.Geetha, S.N.Sethi and E.Vivekanandan.
   Year :  2011
   Institution:  CMFRI, Madras Research center, Chennai.

5.Title of the Conference :   Biosecurity practices and their adoption in black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon seed production systems- an exploratory study. 9thInternational conference on “Renaissance in Fisheries: Outlook and Strategies”,
   Name of the Author :   S. Raja, M.Kumaran and P.Ravichandran.
   Year :  2011
   Institution:   Madras Research Center, Chennai- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.

6.Title of the Conference :   Assessment of Vibrios in shrimp hatchery systems with reference to horizontal transmission of biosecurity measures. International conference on “Science and Technology for National Development ”
   Name of the Author :   S. Raja, M. Kumaran K. Arumugasamy and B. Dhanakkodi.
   Year :  2016
   Institution:  the ISCA Cochin chapter at KUFOS, Kochi, Kerala.

7.Title of the Conference :   Evaluation of an Aquaponic System and Digital Smart Aquaponic System(SAS) For Food security- An exploratory study.International conference on Biosciences Bioinformatics
   Name of the Author :   D.Manjula and S.Raja.
   Year :  2017
   Institution:  the Bharathiar university, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

8.Title of the Conference :   Zinc oxide Nano particles(Zno-Nps) by Lawsonia inermis plant aqueous extract and its antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7. International conference on Current Trends in Advanced biomedical Technology,
   Name of the Author :   D.Manjula and S.Raja.
   Year :  2018
   Institution:   the Nehru arts science and college, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

9.Title of the Conference :   GC-MS analysis of Ulvaflexuosa seaweed used as fish feed in the NFT Aquaponic system. International conference on "Recent biotechnology innovation in aquaculture (RBIA)"
   Name of the Author :   D. Manjula and S. Raja
   Year :  2020
   Institution:  Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

10.Title of the Conference :   Screening and identification of microplastics in the urbrn lake water Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. International conference on "Recent biotechnology innovation in aquaculture (RBIA)"27-28th February 2020, Coimbatore, India.
    Name of the Author :   Ephsy K. Davis and Raja.S.
    Year :  2020
     Institution:   Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

11.Title of the Conference :   Effect of leaf extract (Thespesia populnea) against dengue virus mosquito Aedes agypti, In controlled environment. International conference on Recent biotechnology innovation in aquaculture (RBIA). 27-28th February 2020, Coimbatore, India.
     Name of the Author :   Navaneethan. M, Mohanraj.R.S and Raja.S.
     Year :  2020
     Institution:  Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

12.Title of the Conference :   Organic cultivation of Solanum lycopersicum and Catla catla using the probiotic bacterial strains and prebiotic seaweed in the NFT Aquaponic system. In International Virtual Conference on “Biology in 21st century: transformation Of biological sciences in supporting the Sustainable development goals”
    Name of the Author :   Manjula. D and Raja. S.
    Year :  2020
    Institution:   Department of zoology Kongunadu arts and Science College Coimbatore in Association with Indian Science Congress Association (Coimbatore Chapter).

13.Title of the Conference :   Enormous plastic pollution and current challenges in environments. "International Virtual conference on Biology in 21st Century: Transformation of Biological Sciences in Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals",
    Name of the Author :   Ephsy K. Davis, S. Raja.
    Year :  2020
    Institution:  Department of zoology Kongunadu arts and Science College Coimbatore in Association with Indian Science Congress Association (Coimbatore Chapter).

14.Title of the Conference :   Studies on the Impact of Anthropogenic activities on Elephant Population in Coimbatore Forest Division of Western Ghants. “International Multilingual Conference on Human values and Biztech at the Crossroads” .
    Name of the Author :   M.Samynathan, B. Ramakrishnan, S.Raja and M.M Sudheer Mohammed.
    Year :   2021


1.Title of the Conference :    Quality of cultured tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon infected with LSS and WSSV. National Seminar onEmerging issues in Quality and Safety of Fish and Shellfish”. University, Toothukudi.
   Name of the Author :    Chakravarthy N Kalaimani N Alavandi SV Poornima M Santiago T C Raja S
   Year :   2008
   Institution:   Department of Fish Processing Technology, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences

2.Title of the Conference :    Scope of Ornamental fish culture and trade for future prospects in India.National seminar on“Technology and Trade prospects in Ornamental Aquaculture”. Organizing by Fisheries Research & Extension Centre on 29th to 30th April, 2010.
   Name of the Author :    Raja S Babu T D Nammalwar P and Thompson Jacob C.
   Year :   2010
   Institution:    Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chennai, India

3.Title of the Conference :     Marine biodiversity conservation and management in India. In: National Seminar on Biodiversity, Wetlands and Climate change
   Name of the Author :     Nammalwar, P., S.Raja, C.Thompson Jacob, T.D.Babu and S.Satheesh
   Year :   2010
   Institution:    Indian Environmental Society. Panjim, Goa, 30-48.

4.Title of the Conference :    Natural disasters risk reduction measures for the protection of coastal marine ecosystems in India. In: Prof. P. N. Ganapathi Centennial Symposium – Landmark researches in marine biology – The Indian Context
   Name of the Author :    Nammalwar. P., V. S. Gowri, S. Raja and S. Satheesh
   Year :  2010
   Institution:   Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and Mar.Biol. Asso.India, Kochi, 1-18.

5.Title of the Conference :    Cholesterol content in the wild tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon at various sizes, moulting and maturity stages from the Parangipettai coast. National conference on “Emerging trends in Biological Research” (NCEBR’11)
   Name of the Author :    D. Kannan, S. Raja, S.Ajmalkhan and V.S. Chandrasekaran.
   Year :  2011
   Institution:    Department of Zoology, University of Madras Chennai, India.

6.Title of the Conference :    Effect of water quality on tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) seed quality and survival. National conference on “New Vistas in Indian Aquaculture”,
   Name of the Author :    S. Raja, M. Kumaran, P. Ravichandran and M. Muralidhar.
   Year :  2012
   Institution:  Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, India.

7.Title of the Conference :    Studies on effect of salinity on the culture of algal forms (Oscillatoria spp. and Chaetomorpha sp.) and their impact on shrimp (Penaeus indicus) culture. National conference on “New Vistas in Indian Aquaculture”
   Name of the Author :    D.Jagadeesan, S. Raja and K.Sampath.
   Year :  2012
   Institution:   Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, India.

8.Title of the Conference :    Spawning peaks of green mussel Perna viridis with high surface water temperature in Pulicat lake and Ennore backwaters.National conference on “New Vistas in Indian Aquaculture”,
   Name of the Author :    Shoba Joe Kizhakudan, S. Raja, K.S. Gupta, R. Thiagu, S.N. Sethi, Joe K. Kizhakudan and E. Vivekanandan.
   Year :  2012
   Institution:  Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, India.

9.Title of the Conference :    An estimate of demand for Asian seabass in different states of India. National conference on “New Vistas in Indian Aquaculture”,
   Name of the Author :    T. Ravisankar, G. Venkateswarlu, S. Rengarajan A. Kuppan and S. Raja
   Year :  2012
   Institution:   Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, India.

10.Title of the Conference :    Level of biosecurity measures used in the shrimp larval rearing systems for prevention and control of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in India. National conference on “Recent strategies in Biodieverity conservation (RSBC’14)”,
    Name of the Author :    S. Raja,M. Kumaran, E. Nandhini, K. Logankumar and M. Lekshmanaswamy.
    Year :  2014
     Institution:    Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

11.Title of the Conference :    Conversion of fish wastes into liquid fertilizer by using microbes for sustainable organic Agriculture. National conference on “Current Trends in Infectomics”,
     Name of the Author :    E. Nandhini, S. Raja, K. Logankumar, M. Lekshmanaswamy and P. Abirami.
     Year :  2014
     Institution:  Periyar University, Salem. Tamil Nadu.

12.Title of the Conference :    Use of Probiotic as a novel Bacillus spp. for prevention and control of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in shrimp hatcheries for sustainable aquaculture. National conference on “Cultural landscapes, indigenous knowledge and biotechnological tools for biodiversity conservation,
    Name of the Author :    E. Nandhini, S. Raja, K. Logankumar and M. Lekshmanaswamy.
    Year :  2014
    Institution:    Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

13.Title of the Conference :    Participatory approach of sustainable resource management for livelihood uplift of coastal community in Gulf of Mannar. Regional seminar on Current status and future Prospect of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity in Gulf of Mannar,
    Name of the Author :    S. Raja, B. Abhinaya and B. Dhanakkodi.
    Year :  2015
    Institution:   Gulf Of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust, (GOMBRT), (Government of Tamilnadu) Ramanathapuram – 623 504 At Daiwik hotel, Rameswaram. Tamil Nadu.

14.Title of the Conference :    Role of Indigenous Crows (Corvus spledens) for the seed dispersion of Indigenous Medicinal plant (Azadirachta indica) in India. National Conference on Medicinal Plants and Health Care,
    Name of the Author :    G. Malini, S. Raja, R.Ilamathi and T.Illakkiya
    Year :   2015
    Institution:  PG&Research Department of Biotchnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science college, Coimbatore.

15.Title of the Conference :  Therapeutic efficacy of silver nanoparticles from Spirulina platensis against human breast cancer cells. National Conference on Medicinal Plants and Health Care,
    Name of the Author :    K. Sahana, S. Raja, R. Ranjith Kumar, B. Chandra Shekar, and P. Sagadevan.
    Year :   2015
    Institution:   PG&Research Department of Biotchnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science college, Coimbatore.

16.Title of the Conference :    Nutritional influence of ornamental fish water Aquaponic system on the growth of Indigenous plant, Eleusine coracana. National conference on “Biosafety for health security
     Name of the Author :    S. Raja, R. Gowtham, P. Selvanantham, B. Dhanakodi
     Year :   2015
     Institution:  PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Periyar, Govt. Arts College, Cuddalore. Tamil Nadu.

17.Title of the Conference :    Differential growth of root and shoot of Zea mays supplied aquarium water as liquid fertilizer. National conference on “Biosafety for health security, held on 23rd and 24th July, organized by PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Periyar, Govt. Arts College, Cuddalore. Tamil Nadu.
     Name of the Author :    J. Krishnapriya, S. Raja, P. Selvanantham, B. Dhanakodi
     Year :   2015
     Institution:  PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Periyar, Govt. Arts College, Cuddalore. Tamil Nadu.

18.Title of the Conference :    Green seaweed (Ulva lactuca) a potential source for feed formulation and preparation of fresh water ornamental fish culture. National conference on “Biosafety for health security.
     Name of the Author :    A. Saranya, S. Raja, K. P. Kumaraguru Vasagam, B. Dhanakkodi
     Year :   2015
     Institution:  PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Periyar, Govt. Arts College, Cuddalore. Tamil Nadu.

19.Title of the Conference :    Innovative organic cultivation of Sorghum controversum and Oryza sativa in Aquaponic system. National seminar on “Advances in basic and Clinical Immunology (abci-2015)”
     Name of the Author :    Malini. G, S. Raja, P. Selvanantham and B. Dhanakkodi
     Year :   2015
     Institution:  the Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

20.Title of the Conference :    Marine Plants (Ulva Sp.) a potential nutritional supplement for brood stock development of Koi Carp (Cyprinous Carpio Var.Koi). In: Book of Abstracts - Perspectives and Prospects of Aquatic Research. Ed. Raja, S., Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp-123.
     Name of the Author :    Saranya, A., S. Raja, and B. Dhanakkodi.
     Year :    2016
     Institution:  the Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

21.Title of the Conference :    Commercially important wheat grass cultivation by Aquaponic System. In: Book of Abstracts - Perspectives and Prospects of Aquatic Research. Ed. Raja, S., Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp-123.
     Name of the Author :    Krishnapriya. J, S. Raja and B.Dhanakodi.
     Year :    2016
     Institution:  the Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

22.Title of the Conference :    Adoption of shrimp seed production guidelines in Indian shrimp hatcheries. In: Book of Abstracts - Perspectives and Prospects of Aquatic Research. Ed. Raja, S., Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp-123.
     Name of the Author :    Kumaran. M., S. Raja. M. Alagappan and P. Ravichandran.
     Year :    2016
     Institution:  the Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

23.Title of the Conference :     Aquaponics - Water succulent system for sustainable food security. In: Book of Abstracts - Perspectives and Prospects of Aquatic Research. Ed. Raja, S., Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. pp-123.
     Name of the Author :    Manjula, D. and S. Raja.
     Year :    2016
     Institution:  the Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

24.Title of the Conference :    Prospects of Climatic Intervention on Primary Producers in Marine Ecosystem. on Global warming and climate change
     Name of the Author :    S. Raja, K. Anizha B. Danakkodi and M. Kalyanasundram.
     Year :    2016
     Institution:   Department of Zoology and Microbiology at Syed Ammal Arts and Science College, Ramanathapuram-623513, Tamil Nadu.

25.Title of the Conference :    Nutraceutical significance and dietary food supplements of Ulva sp. for ornamental fish health management. State level seminaron “Recent Trends in Animal Science Research”
     Name of the Author :    S. Raja, A. Saranya and M. Kalyanasundaram
     Year :   2016
     Institution: Department of Zoology & Department of Micro Biology, Syed Ammal Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Alagappa University) Dr.E.M.Abdullah Nagar, Kootampuli Pullangudi(po), Ramanathapuram-623513.

26.Title of the Conference :    Effect of Micro and Macro Nutrients in the growth of Herbal plant Coriandrum sativum with mediated Aquaponic system. 10th NABS National conference on Recent Trends in Lifesciences: Research, Practices and Application for Sustainable Development.
     Name of the Author :    D.Manjula and S.Raja
     Year :   2017
     Institution:  The Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu.

27.Title of the Conference :    Mediated Aquaponic system: Observation of plant growth in the Trigonella foenum- graecum L. by using Aqua-bio fertilizer. National conference on Reaching the Unreached Through Science and Technology -Concepts, Principles and Application of Science and Technology for Nation Building,
     Name of the Author :    D.Manjula and S.Raja
     Year :   2017
     Institution:  The ISCA Coimbatore chapter at Kongunadu Arts and Science College Tamil Nadu.

28.Title of the Conference :    Organic production of Trigonella foenum- Graecum L. in Water Succulent Aquaponic System in the National Conference on ‘Future India: Science & Technology – Special Symposium on ‘Contributions of Life Sciences and Biodiversity for Human Welfare’
     Name of the Author :    D.Manjula and S.Raja
     Year :   2018
     Institution:  G.V.P. College for Degree & PG Courses, Visakhapatnam.

29.Title of the Conference :    Exploration of Green Silver Nanoparticles from Gracilaria birdiae and Spirulina platensis for their commercial applications in the National Conference on ‘Future India: Science & Technology – Special Symposium on ‘Contributions of Life Sciences and Biodiversity for Human Welfare’
     Name of the Author :    Yamuna.R and Raja.S.
     Year :   2018
     Institution:  G.V.P. College for Degree & PG Courses, Visakhapatnam.

30.Title of the Conference :    Entomotheraphy- an ancient approach turning into future potential source of medicinal properties. National Conference on Biology and Medicine,
     Name of the Author :    Yamuna.R and Raja.S
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  Department of Zoology and Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

31.Title of the Conference :    Mosquito larvae (Anopheles spp.) Preeminent alternative live feed for selected freshwater Aquarium fishes. National Conference on Biology and Medicine.
     Name of the Author :    Ephsy Davis and Raja Selvaraju.
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  Department of Zoology and Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

32.Title of the Conference :    Formulation of enriched feed with Turbinaria conoides for Channa striata in the Aquaponic system used for Solanum nigrum plant growth. National Conference on Biology and Medicine
     Name of the Author :    D. Manjula and S. Raja
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  Department of Zoology and Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

33.Title of the Conference :    Prospects of micoplastic intervention in the Aquaponic system - a review. National Conference on Biology and Medicine
     Name of the Author :    N.Suryaprabha and S. Raja
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  Department of Zoology and Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.

34.Title of the Conference :    Trends of Air Temperature deviations in Sathyamangalam of Tamil Nadu. Two daysNationalconferenceentitled“Climate Change and Its impact on human health and Wildlife”
     Name of the Author :    Raja Selvaraju, Ephsy K Davis and Kanizha
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  the Herpetology laboratory Dept. of Zoology and Wildlife Biology, Govt. Arts College Udhagamandalam – 643 002, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.

35.Title of the Conference :    Chronological Air Temperature incidence in Coimbatore, Foot hills of Western Ghats with reference to climate change. Two daysNationalconferenceentitled“Climate Change and Its impact on human health and Wildlife” held on 28th February and 01 March 2019, organized by the Herpetology laboratory Dept. of Zoology and Wildlife Biology, Govt. Arts College Udhagamandalam – 643 002, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
     Name of the Author :    Raja Selvaraju, Guru Aadavan. K. S and Anizha. K
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  the Herpetology laboratory Dept. of Zoology and Wildlife Biology, Govt. Arts College Udhagamandalam – 643 002, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.

36.Title of the Conference :    Pessimistic consequence of Climate change – A review. Two days National conference entitled “Climate Change and Its impact on human health and Wildlife”
     Name of the Author :    Abhimanyu Srinath, Balaji.V and Raja Selvaraju.
     Year :   2019
     Institution:  the Herpetology laboratory Dept. of Zoology and Wildlife Biology, Govt. Arts College Udhagamandalam – 643 002, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.

37.Title of the Conference :    Ethanolic leaf extract of Thespesia populnea against the medically important dengue virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti."107 th Indian science Congress"
     Name of the Author :    Navaneethan M and R.S. Mohanraj, S.Raja.
     Year :   2020
     Institution:  Agriculture university,Bangalore,India.

38.Title of the Conference :    Evaluation of freshwater fishes for bio- control of dengue vector Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. "107 th Indian science Congress"
     Name of the Author :    Ephsy K Davis and Raja Selvaraju.
     Year :   2020
     Institution:  Agriculture university,Bangalore,India.

39.Title of the Conference :    Effect on combination of Probiotic and Prebiotic fish feed in Production of Catla catla and Solanum Lycopersicum L. under NFT Aquaponic System” in Virtual conference on “Aquaculture Techniques and Disease Management”
     Name of the Author :    Manjula Duraisamy and Raja Selvaraju
     Year :   2020
     Institution:  Centre for Ocean Research at Col. Dr. Jeppiaar Research Park, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu-600 119.

40.Title of the Conference :    The spatial and seasonal distribution of surface water microplastic pollution in Kumaraswamy lake, Coimbatore, TamilNadu. National Seminar on “Emerging Pollutant in Geosphere: Impact on Environment, Management, and Challenges”.
     Name of the Author :    Ephsy K. Davis, S. Raja, Navaneethan M, Mohan K.
     Year :   2021
     Institution:  Malankara Catholic College, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.

41.Title of the Conference :    The effect of Ammonia and Nitrite toxicity in Aquarium fish tanks and its treatment by Pot filter. National Seminar on “Emerging Pollutant in Geosphere: Impact on Environment, Management, and Challenges”. Organized from 9th and 10th of July, 2021, Malankara Catholic College, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.
     Name of the Author :    Navaneethan M, Raja, S. Ephsy K. Davis, Kannan K, Samynathan M, Mohan K.
     Year :   2021
     Institution:  Malankara Catholic College, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.


Books Edited Year Wise

 1.Title of the Books :  Environmental Pollution Ecological Impacts Health Issues and Management
    Author :  S.Raja
    Name of the Publisher :   Eds, Bhattacharya et al, 2009. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Sciences (ICEES-2009), Jadavapur University, Kolkata.1-13.
    ISBN :   ISBN 978-81-910222-4-7
    Year :   2009

 2.Title of the Books :   Perspectives and Prospects of Aquatic Research.
    Author :  S.Raja
    Name of the Publisher :    Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
    ISBN :  ISBN NO. 978-3-659-84623-6.
    Year :    2016

 3.Title of the Books :   Life Science: Research, practices and Application for Sustainable Development.
    Author :   D.Manjula and S.Raja.
    Name of the Publisher :    Macmillan Publishers India Private Ltd.
    ISBN :    ISBN NO. 978-93870-0007-0.
    Year :    2017

 4.Title of the Books :   Ecolife – Revolutionary Rise of Women
    Author :   S.Raja and Sumathi
    Name of the Publisher :  Eco Club and Women Empowerment cell at Kongunadu Arts and Science College.
    ISBN :
    Year :   15th March, 2019

Chapter Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Chapter :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year :


1. Name of the Authors :  
    ID/Ref No : 
    Year : 


Courses Handled by
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change



Course Teaching

Biodiversity and Evolution, Microbiology and Immunology

Aquaculture,Environmental Biology, Ecology, Sericulture, Animal diversity

Course Material



Projects Handled by
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change



Funded Project 


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 


Consultancy Project


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : Aquarium Research
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 30,000
Duration : 2 years

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency : 

Amount : 

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount : 

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :



Research Guidance of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change




1.Name of the Candidate: EPHSY K DAVIS 
  Researcg Area: Fisheries and Aquaculture
  Date of Registration : 01:10:2018

2.Name of the Candidate: M. NAVANEETHAN 
  Researcg Area: Aquaculture
  Date of Registration : 01:07:2019

3.Name of the Candidate: J.RANJITHA 
  Researcg Area: Aquaculture
  Date of Registration : 01:01:2021

4.Name of the Candidate: SHAMEEMA. P
  Researcg Area: Aquaculture
  Date of Registration : 03:01:2022


1.  Dr. D. MANJULA
    Title of the Thesis Effect of synbiotic seaweed and its biochemical characterization on Catla Catla and Capsicum annum L. plant in Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) of Aquaponics system.
    Date of Award 06.11.2020

2.  Dr. R.YAMUNA
    Title of the Thesis Studies on bioactive compounds in Camponotus compresses (Fab.,) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for cutaneous wound healing in the Rat model
    Date of Award :  12.06.2020



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Award :


    Date of Award :  10.02.2017

2.  M. Kiruthika 
    Title of the Thesis :  In-vitro and In-vivo antibacterial activity on aqueous extract of Sargassum cinerem, Codium tomentosum and Halymenia dilatata against fish pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila and Psedomonas aeruginosa
    Date of Award :  27.06.2019

3.  N. Suryaprabha
    Title of the Thesis :  Studies on the impact of photodegraded PVC and PP microplastic in the fish (Oreochromis niloticus) and plant (Spinacia oleracea) using aquaphonic system
    Date of Award :  03.03.2020



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



Institutional Responsibilities of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change



Administrative (KASC)

1.Name of the Responsibility :  S.Raja
   Period :   2015 -  2017
   Designation :   Member, Star college scheme
   Nature of the Responsibility :  Academic and extention activities for UG Students

2.Name of the Responsibility :  S.Raja
   Period :    2016 -  Till date
   Designation :    Coordinator
   Nature of the Responsibility :   Organized environmental related events

3.Name of the Responsibility :  S.Raja
   Period :    2019 - 2021
   Designation :  Coordinator
   Nature of the Responsibility :   Conducted diploma course

4.Name of the Responsibility :  S.Raja
   Period :    2020 - Till date
   Designation :    Coordinator
   Nature of the Responsibility :   Organized Aquatic related events


Awards & Memberships of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change




Academic awards

1.Awarding agency : ISCA
   Country : India
   Title of paper : Effect of ant (Camponotus compressus) extract on healing process of wounds in rat model 
   Date of Award : 2018

2.Awarding agency : ISCA
   Country : India
   Title of paper : Organic production of Trigonella foenum- Graecum L. In water succulent Aquaponic system
   Date of Award : 2019


Membership in Professional Bodies

1.Organization : Fisheries Technocrats Forum ( FTF), Chennai-600 006
   Type of Membership :  Life member
   Period : 2016 - 2022

2.Organization : Indian Meteorological Society (IMS), Nungambakkam, Chennai.
   Type of Membership :  Life member
   Period : 2011 - 2022

3.Organization : Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, 700017. 
   Type of Membership :  Life member
   Period : 2014 - 2022


Visits/Collaborations/Others of
Dr. S. Raja

Dr. S. Raja
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Fisheries and Aquaculture, Climate Change




1.Countries Visits : 
   Duration of Visit : 
   Month and Year : 
   Purpose of Visit :

Research Collaborations/MOU

