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Profile of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing


Research Area

  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing

Featured Publications

Courses Teaching

  • C Programming
  • Operating System
  • COBOL Programming
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Relational Database Management System
  • C++ Programming
  • Java Programming
  • Computer Networks
  • Image Processing
  • Angular JS and Bootstrap
  • Python Programming
  • Data Mining
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Software Engineering
  • Linux Programming

Education & Career of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing



Ph. D
Subject : Computer Technology
Institution :Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Affiliated University :Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Year of Award : 2018

Subject :    Computer Science
Institution : Sri Vasavi College 
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2007

Subject :  Applied Science & Computer Technology
Institution : Adhiyamaan College of Engineering 
Affiliated University : Periyar University
Year of Award : 2002

Subject : Physics
Institution: Kongunadu Arts & Science
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2000



Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Designation : Associate Professor and Head
Period :2018 - till date

Past Experience

Institute Name: Dr SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts & Science , Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : January 2005 -  March 2018

Institute Name: Ayyan Thiruvalluvar College of Arts & Science 
Designation : Lecturer
Period : June 2002  - December 2004



Research Areas of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing


Real -Time tracking of multiple humans in Live video

Tracking faces using image processing and Neural Network techniques

Design and Development of Twinning Techniques for Speaker Recognition and Identification

To design a biometric system to identify speaker based on their voice


Publications of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing



1.Title of the Publication : Machine Learning Based Lung Cancer Detection & Analysis
   Name of the authors: Dr. A. Indumathi
   Journal name:IEEE
   Year: 2023

2.Title of the Publication :An Overview of Prominent Development of Speech Recognition in Internet of Things
   Name of the authors: Dr. A. Indumathi
   Journal name:International Journal of Mechanical
   Year: 2022

3. Title of the Publication :Adaptive Secured Position based routing Protocol for Efficient Transmission in Vehicular Adhoc Network
   Name of the authors: Dr. A. Indumathi
   Journal name:International Journal of Health Science
   Year: 2022

4.Title of the Publication :Emotion Recognition using Speech based Tess and Crema Algorithm
   Name of the authors: Dr. A. Indumathi
   Journal name: Springer, Singapore
   Year: 2022


1.Title of the Publication : Speech Processing -An Overview
   Name of the authors: A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: Speech Processing -An Overview
   Year: 2012

2.Title of the Publication : A Survey on Speech Processing
   Name of the authors:  A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: Signal processing –An international journal (SPIJ)

3. Title of the Publication : Noise Estimation Using Standard Deviation Of The Frequency Magnitude Spectrum For Mixed Non-Stationary Noise
   Name of the authors:  A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: ICTACT Journal On Communication Technology
   Year: 2015

4.Title of the Publication : Pitch Based Feature Extraction and Twinning Classification of Gender Using Speech Signal
   Name of the authors:  A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: International Journal of Signal and Image Processing Issues 

5.Title of the Publication : An Efficient Speaker Recognition System by Employing BWT and ELM
   Name of the authors:  A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology
   Year: 2016

6.Title of the Publication : Speaker identification using bagging techniques
   Name of the authors:  A.Indumathi & Dr.E.Chandra
   Journal name: IEEE Xplore

7.Title of the Publication : Distributed Homomorphic Linear Authenticator Privacy Preserving Algorithm in MANET
   Name of the authors: A.Indumathi & Gowder Praveena Hiriyan
   Journal name: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
   Year: 2016

8.Title of the Publication : A Modified Perceptual Constrained Spectral Weighting Technique For Speech Enhancement
   Name of the authors: A.Indumathi &  A.Gowsi Monica
   Journal name: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 
   Year: 2013

9. Title of the Publication : Survey of  Privacy- Preserving Audio Representations with Speaker Diarization
   Name of the authors: A.Indumathi & S. Sathya Priya
   Journal name: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 



2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


1.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:



1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 


1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 



1.Title of the Conference : Machine Learning Based Lung Cancer Detection & Analysis
   Name of the Author : A.Indumathi
   Year :  14-16,June 2023
   Institution: Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

2.Title of the Conference : Emotion Recognition Using Speech Based Tess and Crema Algorithm
   Name of the Author : A.Indumathi
   Year :  6-7 ,January 2022
   Institution: JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

3.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Advances in Information Technology &Networking (ICATN’15)
   Name of the Author : A.Indumathi
   Year : 2014
   Institution: Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore

4.Title of the Conference : International  Conference on Computer ,  Communication and System -IEEE Sponsored Conference
   Name of the Author : A.Indumathi
   Year : 2014
   Institution: S.T Hindu  College,Kanyakumari

5.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Advances in Information Technology &Networking (ICATN’15)
   Name of the Author : A.Indumathi
   Year : 2015
   Institution: Dr.G.RDamodaran College of Science, Coimbatore


1.Title of the Conference :  ISRO Sponsored  National Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
   Name of the Author :  A.Indumathi
   Year : 2011
   Institution: Dr.SNS Rajalaksmi College of Arts & Science College, Coimbatore

2.Title of the Conference : National Conference on Signal and Image Processing (NCSIP ’12)
   Name of the Author :  A.Indumathi
   Year : 2012
   Institution:  Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Dindigul



Books Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Books :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year : 

 Book- Chapter - 2023

.1.Title of the Chapter :Understanding Natural Language Processing for Text and Speech
    Author :Dr.A.Indumathi
    Name of the Publisher : SKRGC Publication, Madurai -625003
    ISBN : 978-81-965283-7-9
    Year :September 2023


1. Name of the Authors :  
    ID/Ref No : 
    Year : 


Courses Handled by

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing


Course Teaching


Course Material



Projects Handled by

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing


Funded Project 


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 


Consultancy Project


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency : 

Amount : 

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount : 

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 



Research Guidance of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing



1.Name of the Candidate : Anitha
  Title of the Thesis :  Wireless Networking
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :



1. Name of the Candidate :  
    Title of the Dissertation : 
    Date of Submission :
    Date of Award :


1. Name of the Candidate : Ms.Nevatha
    Title of the Dissertation : Diabetes Prediction Using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques
    Date of Submission      : May 2022
    Date of Award               : 27.01.2023

2.Name of the Candidate : Ms.A.Sumathi
  Title of the Dissertation : Evaluation method of Forex Trading Analysis Tool
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award : 2012

3.Name of the Candidate :Ms.T.Sathya Priya
  Title of the Dissertation : Privacy-Sensitive Audio Features Robust Speaker Diarization Using Privacy-Preserving Audio Representations
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award : 2013

4.Name of the Candidate : Ms Gowder Praveena
  Title of the Dissertation : A Modified Perceptual Constrained Spectral Weighting Technique For  Speech Enhancement
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award : 2014

5.Name of the Candidate : Ms.A.Gowsi Monica
  Title of the Dissertation :  An Efficient Packet Dropping attacks discovery model using mesh topology routing path Algorithm in wireless Ad                                                Hoc Networks
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award : 2017



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



Institutional Responsibilities of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing


Administrative (KASC)

1.Name of the Responsibility :NDLI Co-Ordinator of BCA department
  Period : 2020 - Till Date
  Designation : Coordinator
  Nature of the Responsibility :Department Coordinator


Administrative (Other)

1.Name of the Responsibility :
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Awards & Memberships of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing



Academic awards

1.Awarding agency : 
   Country : 
   Title of paper :
   Date of Award :


Membership in Professional Bodies

1.Organization : Indian Science Congress
   Type of Membership :Members
   Period :2018-Tll Date


Visits/Collaborations/Others of

Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • Neural Network & Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech Processing



1.Countries Visits : 
   Duration of Visit : 
   Month and Year : 
   Purpose of Visit :


