Profile of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Research Area
- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
Featured Publications
- Induced ferromagnetic behavior of Cr doped ZnS nano particles.
- Structure, morphology and I–V characteristics of thermally evaporated LaAlO3 nanostructured thin films.
Courses Teaching
- Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Optics
- Laser Physics & Fiber Optics
- Atomic and Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Problems in Physics
- Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Education & Career of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Ph. D
Subject : Physics
Institution : Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Year of Award : 1999M.Phil
Subject : Physics
Institution : Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Year of Award : 1992M.Sc
Subject : Physics
Institution : Govt. Arts College, Udhagamandam
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Year of Award : 1991B.Sc
Subject : Physics
Institution: Govt. Arts College, Udhagamandam
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Year of Award : 1987Career
Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College.
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 2009 to Till datePast Experience
Institute Name: Calyx and Corolla Flora India Pvt. Ltd.
Designation : Director (Technical)Institute Name: Pohang University of Science and Technology Pohang, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Designation : Post-Doctoral Research ScientistInstitute Name: SAI Patent Services LLC (IIT Inc.), Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.
Designation : PhysicistInstitute Name: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M),
Designation : Project AssociateInstitute Name: Bharathiar university(Project- Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore)
Designation : Junior Research Fellow
Research Areas of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Thin Film Physics
Preparation and characterization of organic and inorganic thin films for various applications such as thin film transistor, sensor, solar cell,biomedical,etc.
Characterization of nanoparticles prepared by various methods like green route , precipitation method, etc for various applications such as thin film transistor, sensor, solar cell, capacitor,biomedical,etc.
Publications of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Title of the Publication : Induced ferromagnetic behavior of Cr doped ZnS nano particles.
Name of the authors: N.Manivannan, B.Chandar Shekar, P.Matheswaran, M.Mohammed Ibrahim, C.K.Senthil Kumaran
Journal name: Materials Today Preceedings.
Year: 2022Title of the Publication : Structure, morphology and I–V characteristics of thermally evaporated LaAlO3 nanostructured thin films.
Name of the authors:S.Sugumaran , T. A. Divya , R. K. Sivaraman , C. S. Bellan , K. C. Sekhar , and M. F. Jamlos
Journal name: J Mater Sci: Mater Electron.
Year: 2021Title of the Publication : Evaluation of structural, surface morphological and thermal properties of Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles for antimicrobial activities.
Name of the authors: B.Ranjithkumar, E.Ranjith Kumar, M.Srinivas, H.B.Ramalingam, Ch.Srinivas, G.Magesh, A.Balamurugan, C. SharmilaRahale, B.Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures.
Year: 2021Title of the Publication : Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial and photocatalytic properties of Al doped ZnO nanoparticles (Al-ZnO NPs).
Name of the authors: V.R. Sreelakshmi, K. Karuppuswamy, M. Jithin, G. Marimuthu, B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci.
Year: 2021Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterization of anatase phase TiO2 nanoparticles at low temperature.
Name of the authors: N. Kamatchi Devi and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM).
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Literature survey of holographic interferometry.
Name of the authors: H.R. Pratheep, V. Vadivelan and B. ChandarShekar
Journal name: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research.
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Dextran sulfate stabilized silver nanoparticle: next generation efficient therapy for cancer.
Name of the authors: Sharmila Chandran, Thilagavathy Ponnusamy, Dinesh Bheeman, Ranjith Kumar Rajamani, Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics.
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Photocatalytic and antibacterial activity of Co doped ZnO NPs prepared by Co-precipitation method.
Name of the authors: V.R. Sreelakshmi, K. Karuppuswamy, M. Jithin, G. Marimuthu, B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci.
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Optical properties of strontium doped BaTiO3 thin films by thermal evaporation method for optoelectronic devices.
Name of the authors: R.. Sengodan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Influence of Classical N-H...O and C-H...O Hydrogen Bonding Interactions on 2-amino5-methylpyridinium Hydrogen Succinate Crystal: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives.
Name of the authors: S. Nithya , B. Chandar Shekar , K.R. Aranganayagam, and K. Boopathi
Journal name: Materials Research Express.
Year: 2020Title of the Publication : Structural, Morphological, Opto-luminescence and magnetic behavioral variations of Co-ZnS hybrid nanoparticles.
Name of the authors: N. Manivannan , B. Chandar Shekar, C.K.Senthil Kumaran and S.Sugapriya
Journal name: Indian Journal of Physics
Year: 20202010-2019
Title of the Publication : Biogenic method of cerium oxide nanoparticles synthesis using wireweed (Sida acuta Burm.f.) and its antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli.
Name of the authors: R. P. Senthilkumar, V. Bhuvaneshwari, V. Malayaman, G. Chitra, R. Ranjith, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Materials Research Express
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Bio-inspired synthesis of chitosan/copper oxide nanocomposite using rutin and their anti-proliferative activity in human lung cancer cells.
Name of the authors: Devaraj Bharathi , R. Ranjithkumar , B. Chandarshekar , V. Bhuvaneshwari
Journal name: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Periodic and quasi periodic variations in Ca-K index during the 20th century using Kodaikanal data
Name of the authors: Muthu Priya, Jagdev Singh, Ravindra H and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: Solar Physics
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Growth, characterization and dft calculations on 2-amino-6-methylpyridinium hydrogen glutarate.
Name of the authors: S.Nithya, K.R. Aranganayagam, B. Chandar Shekar, K. Boopathi
Journal name: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Structural, optical, antibacterial and photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by precipitation method.
Name of the authors: V.R. Sreelakshmi, K. Karuppuswamy, M. Jithin, G. Marimuthu, B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci.
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Hirshfeld Surface and Natural Bond Orbital Analysis of 2-Amino-6-Methylpyridinium Hydrogen Glutarate.
Name of the authors: S. Nithya, B. Chandar Shekar, K.R. Aranganayagam, K. Boopathi
Journal name: International journal of Research in Engineering Application and Management (IJREAM).
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Preparation of chitosan coated zinc oxide nanocomposite for enhanced antibacterial and photocatalytic activity: As a bionanocomposite.
Name of the authors: Devaraj Bharathi, R.Ranjithkumar, B.Chandarshekar and V.Bhuvaneshwari
Journal name: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Synthesis and characterization of chitosan/iron oxide nanocomposite for biomedical applications.
Name of the authors: Devaraj Bharathi, R.Ranjithkumar, S.Vasantharaj, B.Chandarshekar, V.Bhuvaneshwari
Journal name: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : A novel InTiO thin film by thermal evaporation technique for high mobility/conductivity with tunable visible emissions.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumaran and Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Shape controlled synthesis of dextran sulfate stabilized silver nanoparticles: biocompatibility and anticancer activity.
Name of the authors: Sharmila C, Prabhavathi V, Dinesh M, Ranjith Kumar R and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: Mater. Res. Express.
Year: 2019Title of the Publication : Anticancer activity of Co doped ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by chemical method.
Name of the authors: N. Mannivannan, B. Chandar Shekar and C.K.Senthilkumaran.
Journal name: IJAPSA
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Structural and optical studies of confined ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by chemical precipitation method.
Name of the authors: N.Manivannan, B.Chandar Shekar, Matheswaran,C.K.Senthilkumaran
Journal name: International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences ( IJIRMPS).
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Investigations of the impact of Calcinations Temperature on the Properties of Ba Doped HfO2 Nano-rods.
Name of the authors: J. Manikandan, H.B. Ramalingam, B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Modern Electronic Technology.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Novel mixed cubic-rutile structured In2O3-TiO2 composite nanoparticles (InTiO CNPs): Structure, morphology, photoluminescence and photocatalytic activity.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumarana, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Nataraj Devaraj.
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Enhanced Antimicrobial activity of Aleovera blended Zinc oxide Nanoparticle in PVA matrix.
Name of the authors: Sharmila Chandran, Jincy Chemmanda Sunny, Selvi Chandran, Chandra Shekar Bellan
Journal name: Materials Today : Proceedings.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Biosynthesis, characterization and remedical aspect of silver nanoparticles against pathogenic bacteria.
Name of the authors: Ranjith Kumar Rajamani, Selvam Kuppusamy, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Pratheep Hallan Ravi, P Sagadevan
Journal name: MOJ Toxicology.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Psidium guajava: a novel plant in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
Name of the authors: Sharmila Chandran, Ranjithkumar Rajamani and Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: Asian J Pharm Clin Res.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Hybrid PVA-In2O3 Nano Thin Film for Transparent Optical Devices.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumaran , Dinesh Muthu, Chandar Shekar Bellan*, Dinesh Bheeman and Sharmila Chandran
Journal name: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : In vitro antioxidant potential of methanol flower extracts of Cassia auriculata Linn
Name of the authors: Surthi P , Sagadevan P , Jayaram Jayaraj K , Chandar Shekar B , Ranjth Kumar R and Rathish Kumar,S
Journal name: Discovery Biotechnology
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Studies on phytochemical screening,Antibacterial potential and Hemostatic activity of Tridax procumbens.
Name of the authors: Dhivyavarshni R, Sagadevan P, Jayaram Jayaraj K, Chandar Shekar B, Ranjth Kumar R, and Rathish Kumar,S
Journal name: Drug Discovery.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Coated Intravascular Catheters (AgNPs-IVC) ) against biofilm producing pathogens.
Name of the authors: R.Sengodan, R. Ranjit Kumar, K. Selvam, B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Plasmonic nano-biosensors for early cancer detection: a past and future prospects- a review.
Name of the authors: athish Sugumaran, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Mohd Noor Ahmad, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Dominique Schreurs
Journal name: Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
Year: 2018Title of the Publication : Evaluation of c. albicans induced wound healing activity of methanolic leaf extract of andrographis paniculata.
Name of the authors: Pattiyappan Sagadevan, Suresh Natarajan, Ranjithkumar, Chandar bellan and Rathishkumar
Journal name: Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Synthesis, characterization and plant growth assessment of hybrid calcium oxide nanoparticles.
Name of the authors: Balaganesh, A.S. and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Int J Pharma Bio Sci.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Temperature dependence of optical properties on BaTiO3 thin films for optoelectronics applications.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan , B. Chandar Shekar, R. Balamurugan , R. Kannan , R. Ranjithkumar
Journal name: Journal of Opto-electronics and Advanced Materials.
Year:2017Title of the Publication : Facile Synthesis of Hafnium Carbide Nanoparticles and Its Optical Studies for Application in Optoelectronic Devices.
Name of the authors: B. Murugan, H.B. Ramalingam, B. Chandar Shekar J. Manikantan R. Ranjith Kumar and J. Sai Santhoshi
Journal name: International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Health hazards of pulp and paper industrials workers.
Name of the authors: K. Tharshanapriya, P. Sagadevan, K. Jayaramjayaraj, V. Bhuvaneshwari, S.N.Suresh, J. Pavithra , S.Sarah , B. Chandar Shekar and B.Ranjith Kumar
Journal name: Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
Year:2017Title of the Publication :Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of hybrid chitosan-cerium oxide nanoparticles- as a bionanomaterials.
Name of the authors: Senthilkumar, R.P, Bhuvaneshwari V, Ranjithkumar R, Sathiyavimal S, Malayaman V, Chandarshekar B
Journal name: Int. J. Biological Macromolecules.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Thermally evaporated InZnO transparent thin films: Optical, electrical and photoconductivity behavior.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumaran, Chandar Shekar Bellan , Dinesh Bheeman
Journal name: Optical materials.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Soil depth profiles and radiological assessment of natural radionuclides in forest ecosystem
Name of the authors: P.K. Manigandan, and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Radiochimica Acta.
Year:2017Title of the Publication : Soil impact and radiation dose to native plants in forest ecosystem.
Name of the authors: P.K. Manigandan, and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Agroforest Systems.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Physical and Optical properties of HfO2 NPs – Synthesis and characterization in finding its feasibility in opto-electronic devices.
Name of the authors: J. Manikantan, H.B. Ramalingam, B. Chandar Shekar, B. Murugan, R. Ranjith Kumar, J. Sai Santhoshi
Journal name: Advanced Powder Technology.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Structural and Optical Properties of Phase Transformation Barium doped HfO¬2 nanorods –Synthesis and Characterization.
Name of the authors: J..Manikantan, H.B.Ramalingam, B.Chandar Shekar, B.Murugan, R.Ranjith Kumar, J.Sai Santhoshi
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Wide band gap of Strontium doped Hafnium oxide nanoparticles for optoelectronic device applications – Synthesis and characterization.
Name of the authors: J. Manikantan, H.B. Ramalingam, B. Chandar Shekar, B. Murugan, R. Ranjith Kumar,
J. Sai Santhoshi
Journal name: Materials Letters.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Effect of Gd doping on structural, surface and optical properties of ZnS prepared by Chemical precipitation method.
Name of the authors: Manivannan N., Chandar Shekar B., Senthil Kumaran C.K., Sathyamoorthy R.
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2017Title of the Publication : Structural and optical properties of vacuum evaporated V2O5 thin films.
Name of the authors: S. Raja, D Bheeman, R Rajamani, CS Bellan
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Biosynthesis of PVA encapsulated silver nanoparticles.
Name of the authors: Sharmila Chandran, Vinuppriya Ravichandran, Selvi Chandran, Jincy Chemmanda, Bellan Chandarshekar
Journal name: Journal of Applied Research and Technology.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Fabrication of Phase Transmission Holographic Optical Element in Polycarbonate and its Characterization.
Name of the authors: Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: Applied Optics.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Fabrication of 2-Dimensional Photonic Quasi Crystals with 18- and 36 - Fold by Holography for Solar Application.
Name of the authors: Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: IET Optoelectronic.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Thickness and annealing effects on thermally evaporated In ZnO thin films for gas sensors and blue, green and yellow emissive optical devices.
Name of the authors: Thickness and annealing effects on thermally evaporated In ZnO thin films for gas sensors and blue, green and yellow emissive optical devices.
Journal name: Optical Materials.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : New Possibility on InZnO Nano Thin Film for Green Emissive Optoelectronic Devices.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, MohdFaizalJamlos, Chandar Shekar Bellan, SharmilaChandran and Manoj Sivaraj
Journal name: Optical Materials.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Thickness dependence on Structural, Dielectric and AC Conduction Studies of Vacuum Evaporated Sr doped BaTiO3 thin films.
Name of the authors: Sengodan Raja, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Senthilarasu Sundaram, Gopal subramani and Ranjithkumar Rajamani
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Data mining on crude, partially purified and doped silver nanoparticles of two plant species against dengue vector, Aedes aegypti.
Name of the authors: Rajmohan Devadass, Haldurai Lingaraj, Ranjithkumar Rajamani, Logankumar Kandasamy and Chandarshekar Bellan
Journal name: Journal of Biology and Nature.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Structural and Optical Properties of Vacuum Evaporated V2O5 Thin Films.
Name of the authors: Sengodan. R and Chandar Shekar. B, Dinesh Bheeman and Ranjithkumar. R
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics.
Year: 2016Title of the Publication : Phase Change on TiO2 Nanoparticles by Annealing.
Name of the authors: Sugapriya S. Lakshmi S., Senthil Kumaran C. K. Manivannan N. and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: NANO VISION
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Structural and Electrical Properties of ZnO Flower-Like Structures.
Name of the authors: Sugapriya S. Lakshmi S. Senthil Kumaran C. K. Manivannan N. and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: NANO VISION
Year:2015Title of the Publication : Effect on the growth performance of broiler chickens by selenium nanoparticles supplementation.
Name of the authors: Senthil Kumaran C. K, Sugapriya S., Manivannan N and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: NANO VISION
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Transparent with wide band gap InZnO nano thin film: Preparation and characterizations.
Name of the authors: Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Sagadevan Pattiyappan, Ranjithkumar Rajamani and Rathish Kumar Sivaraman
Journal name: Optical Materials.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Synthesis and Characterization of Lanthanum Aluminate Nanoparticles Prepared By Simple Sol-Gel Route.
Name of the authors: Gayathri. S and Chandar Shekar. B
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci and Nanosci.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Risk assessment of radioactivity in soils of forest and grassland ecosystems of the Western Ghats, India.
Name of the authors: P.K. Manigandan and Chandar Shekar, B.
Journal name: Radioprotection
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Traditional use of Andrographis paniculata: Review and Perspectives.
Name of the authors: P. Sagadevan, S.N. Suresh, R. Ranjithkumar, S. Rathishkumar, S. Sathish and B. Chandarshekar
Journal name: Int. J. Nanosci. Biosci.
Year:2015Title of the Publication : Silver Nanoparticles against dengue vector, Aedes Aegypti (Culicidae: Diptera).
Name of the authors: ajmohan. D, Saranya. D, Logankumar. K, Ranjithkumar. R and B. Chandrashekar
Journal name: Int. J. Nanosci. Biosci.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : New Transparent PVA-InTiO hybrid thin films: Influence of InTiO on the structure, morphology, optical and dielectric properties.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, R Sengodan, K.P.B Dinesh and R. Ranjithkumar
Journal name: Polymers for Advanced Technologies
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite PVA-Al2O3 thin films by dip coating method.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and N. Manivannan
Journal name: Iranian Polymer Journal.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Wide Band Gap Transparent Polyer-Inorganic Composite Thin Films by Dip Coating Method: Preparation and Characterizations
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, S. Chandru Kannan, R. Sengodan, K. P. B. Dinesh & R. Ranjithkumar
Journal name: nternational Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Novel hybrid PVA-InZnO transparent thin films and sandwich capacitor structure by dip coating method: Preparation and characterizations.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, D. Dinesh, R Sengodan, K.P.B Dinesh, R. Ranjithkumar
Journal name: RSC Adv.,
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Fabrication of 2-Dimensional Metallic Hexagonal Photonic Crystals by Holographic Technique
Name of the authors: Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Influence of Dietary Selenium Nanowires on Growth Performance of Broiler Chicken
Name of the authors: Senthil Kumaran C K, Sugapriya S, Dhayalan Velauthapillai, R. Ranjithkumar and Chandarshekar Bellan
Journal name: Int. J. Biosci. Nanosci.
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Recording of Holographic Solar Concentrator in Ultra Fine Grain Visible Wavelength Sensitive Silver Halide Emulsion - Recording of Visible wavelenght Concentrating Hologram
Name of the authors: V. Vadivelan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: American Journal of Electronics & Communication
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Leaves of woody plants as bio-indicators of radionuclides in forest ecosystems
Name of the authors: P. K. Manigandan and B.Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Year: 2015Title of the Publication : Synthesis, Characterization and Remedial Aspect of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles Against Bacteria
Name of the authors: Sengodan Raja, Dinesh Bheeman, Ranjithkumar Rajamani, Sagadevan Pattiyappan, Sathish Sugamaran, and Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: Nanomedicine and Nanobiology
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Indium Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Hepatic Damage: Hepatoprotective Role of Novel 2-Imino-4-Methyl-1,2-Dihydropyrimido [5, 4-C] Quinolin-5(6-H)-One.
Name of the authors: Dinesh. B, Sinjula. C, Sathish. S, Sankaran. M, Ramesh. M, Sivanesan. D, Ranjithkumar R and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: Advance in Toxicology
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Structure, surface morphology and optical properties of BaTiO3 powders prepared by wet chemical method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish
Journal name: Indian Journal Pure and Applied Physics.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Indium titanium oxide nanoparticles induced hepatotoxicity: role of Aegles marmelos as a hepatoprotectant
Name of the authors: Dinesh Bheeman, Jijimol Krishna, Sathish Sugumaran, Ramesh Mathan, Dakshanamurthy Sivanesan, Ranjith Kumar Rajamani and Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: Bionanoscience.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Transparent nano composite PVA-TiO2 and PMMA-TiO2 thin films: Optical and dielectric Properties.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Structural and DC Conduction studies on Vacuum Evaporated BaTiO3 thin films Prepared from BaTiO3 Nano particles Synthesised by Wet Chemical method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish
Journal name: OPTIK- Intl. Journal of Light and Optics.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Evaluation of radionuclides in the terrestrial environment of Western Ghates.
Name of the authors: P. K. Manigandan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterizations of new hybrid PVA-InAlO thin films by dip coating method.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and Manivannan. N
Journal name: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Characterization of barium strontium titanate (BST) single crystal nanorods prepared by wet chemical method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan and B.Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials -Rapid Communications.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Measurement of radio activity in an elevated radiation back ground area of Western Ghats.
Name of the authors: P. K. Manigandan and B.Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Structural, Optical and DC Conduction studies on Vacuum Evaporated Sr doped BaTiO3 (BST) thin films Prepared from Sr doped BaTiO3 Nano particles.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish
Journal name: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Structural and Electrical Properties of LaAlO3 nanoparticles.
Name of the authors: .Ranjitkumar, S. Sathish, D. Nataraj, M. Shankar, K.P.B. Dinesh, R.Ranjitkumar and B.Chandar Shekar,
Journal name: International Journal of Bioscience and Nanoscience.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Partial purification and Insilico analysis of Bst1 from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
Name of the authors: Dinesh Bheeman, Ranjithkumar Rajamani, Buvaneswari, Sathish Sugumaran, Ramesh Mathan and Chandar Shekar Bellan
Journal name: International Journal of Bioscience and Nanoscience.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Diffraction efficiency enhancement of PFG01 Holographic emulsion by new chemical processing techniques.
Name of the authors: V. Vadivelan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Optoelectronics Engineering.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication :Synthesis and characterization of indium aluminate (InAlO3) nanoparticles by wet chemical method.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, D. Nataraj
Journal name: Advanced Powder Technology
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Oxidative Stress Induced Biochemical Alterations Due to InTiO Nanoparticles exposure.
Name of the authors: B. Dinesh, S. Sathish, M. Ramesh, D. Sivanesan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterization of nano scale PMMA thin films.
Name of the authors: S Sathish & B Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Indian Journal Pure and Applied Physics.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Uptake of some radionuclides by woody plants growing in the rain forest of Western Ghats in India.
Name of the authors: P. K. Manigandan and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.
Year: 2014Title of the Publication : Holographic optical elements for beautification.
Name of the authors: Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Holographic optical elements in Silver Halide for Outdoor Decoration.
Name of the authors: adivelan V and Chandar Shekar B
Journal name: International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Morphology, Structural, Dielectric and AC Conduction Properties of Vacuum Evaporated Nano Scale V2O5 Films.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish & R. Sathya Moorthi
Journal name: Physics Procedia
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Spin coated nano scale PMMA films for organic thin film transistors.
Name of the authors: B.Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish
Journal name: Physics Procedia.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Nano polymer films by fast dip coating method for field effect transistor applications.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Physics procedia.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Structural, Dielectric and AC Conduction studies on Vacuum Evaporated BaTiO3 Nano thin films Prepared from BaTiO3 Nano particles.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish
Journal name: Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Dip and spin coated nanoscale transparent PMMA thin films for field effect thin film transistors and opto-electronic devices.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Nanocomposite PVA-In2O3 Thin Films for Transparent Organic Thin Film Transistor.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, M. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: International Journal of Advanced Materials Sciences.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Characterization of Nano Scale PMMA Films Prepared by FDC Technique for FET Applications.
Name of the authors: B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish, B.T. Bhavyasree and B. Ranjith Kumar
Journal name: Advanced Materials Research
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Nano Composite PVA-TiO2 Thin Films for OTFTs.
Name of the authors: S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and B.T. Bhavyasree
Journal name: Advanced Materials Research.
Year: 2013Title of the Publication : Synthesis and Characterization of BaTiO3 Nano Particles Synthesized from Different Starting Materials by Hydrothermal Method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish
Journal name: International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications.
Year: 2012Title of the Publication : Structural and optical properties of nano scale BaTiO3 thin films prepared from BaTiO3 nanoparticles synthesised by organic acid precursor method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish
Journal name: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.
Year: 2012Title of the Publication : Synthesis and Characterization of BaTiO3 Nano particles by Organic Precursor Method.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish
Journal name: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research.
Year: 2012Title of the Publication : Morphology, Structure and Conduction properties of PVA nano scale thin films for field effect organic thin film transistors applications.
Name of the authors: B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish and R. Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications.
Year: 2011Title of the Publication : Studies on synthesis, electrical conduction, breakdown and laser damage on cobalt phthalocyanine, polyaniline and their blend films.
Name of the authors: B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj
Journal name: Advances in Applied Research
Year:2011Title of the Publication : Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current and Pyroelectricity of Nano thin Polyvinyl Alcohol Films Prepared by Solution Growth Method.
Name of the authors: B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj
Journal name: Advances in Applied Research.
Year: 2011Title of the Publication : Capacitance-Voltage and Current-Voltage behavior of nano thin PMMA films prepared by spin coating.
Name of the authors: B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Advances in Applied Research
Year: 2010Title of the Publication : Application of cobalt phthalocyanine, polyaniline and their blend films as chemical gas sensors.
Name of the authors: B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj
Journal name: Advances in Applied Research
Year: 2010
2020 - 2022
19.Title of the Publication : Synthesis of potassium doped ferric sulphide nanoparticles using bio-assisted method for agricultural applications.
Name of the authors: A.S.Balaganesh, N. Pavithra, R. Ranjith Kumar, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 202018.Title of the Publication : Bio-assisted synthesis of ferric sulphide nanoparticles for agricultural applications
Name of the authors: N. Pavithra, M. Shiva Subramani, A.S. Balaganesh, R. RanjitKumar, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year : 20202010 - 2019
17.Title of the Publication : Bio-assisted synthesis of potassium doped ferric sulphide nanoparticles for agricultural applications.
Name of the authors: Balaganesh, A.S., N Pavithra, R. RanjitKumar, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 201916.Title of the Publication : Fruit biowaste mediated green route approach silver nanopartilces -as antibacterial material.
Name of the authors: Ranjith Kumar, R., J. Manikantan, A.S. Balaganesh, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 201915.Title of the Publication : Structural and optical properties of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles prepared by precipitation method.
Name of the authors: Vidhya, P., A. Ranjitha, A.S. Balaganesh, R. RanjitKumar and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Name of the authors: Dinesh, B., R. Ranjithkumar, C. Sharmila, K. Selvam and B. Chandar Shekar.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 201913.Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol thin films for organic thin film transistors and biomedical applications.
Name of the authors: Chandar Shekar, B., R. Ranjit Kumar, K.P.B. Dinesh, C. Sulana Sundari, S. Sunnitha and K. Punithavathi.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 201812.Title of the Publication : Preparation of poly (methyl methacrylate) thin films by spin coating technique for OTFT and wound healing applications.
Name of the authors: Chandar Shekar, B., R. Ranjit Kumar, K.P.B. Dinesh, C. Sulana Sundari and K. Punithavathi.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year:201811.Title of the Publication : Structural analysis of Zinc Oxide thin films prepared by thermal evaporation technique.
Name of the authors: Balaganesh, A.S. and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year:201710.Title of the Publication : Characterization of thermal evaporated BaTiO3 thin films.
Name of the authors: R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name:
Year:20169.Title of the Publication : Green route synthesized silver nanoparticles as potential antibacterial material.
Name of the authors: Rajmohan, D, R. Ranjithkumar, K. Logankumar, P. Sagadevan, B. Chandrashekar and R. Yamuna.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 20168.Title of the Publication : Antibacterial properties of lanthanum aluminate nanoparticles.
Name of the authors: Gayathri S., R. Ranjithkumar, A.S. Balaganesh and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 20167.Title of the Publication : ZnO needle-like structures: synthesis and characterization.
Name of the authors: Sugapriya, S., S. Lakshmi, C. K. Senthil kumaran, B. Chandarshekar and R. Ranjithkumar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 20156.Title of the Publication : Characterization of Lanthanum Aluminate Nanoparticles Prepared By Sol-Gel Route.
Name of the authors: Gayathri, S. and B. Chandar Shekar
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year:20155.Title of the Publication : Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using graviola leaf aqueous extract at room temperature.
Name of the authors: Ranjithkumar, R., B. Chandar Shekar, C.K. Senthil Kumaran, C. Sharmila and V. Simi
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year:20154.Title of the Publication : Biomimetic Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) Using Vinca rosea Aqueous Extract.
Name of the authors: Rajmohan, D, D. Saranya, K. Logankumar, R. Ranjithkumar and B. Chandrashekar.
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 20153.Title of the Publication : Preparation and characterization poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer thin films for organic ferroelectric field effect thin film transistors.
Name of the authors: Chandar Shekar, B, Sulana Sundari, S. Sunnitha and C. Sharmila
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year:20152.Title of the Publication : Structural studies of ferroelectric BaTiO3 nano particles and vacuum evaporated BaTiO3 nano scale thin films.
Name of the authors: Chandar Shekar, B., R. Sengodan, S. Sathish and Sulana Sundari
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 20151.Title of the Publication : Preparation of mesoscopic structure poly methyl methacrylate thin films for AFM data storage devices.
Name of the authors: Chandar Shekar, B., S. Sathish, Sulana Sundari, S.Sunnitha and C. Sharmila
Journal name: Kong. Res. J
Year: 2015
1. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :2. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :National
1. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :2. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :
1.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (NANO-2010)
Name of the Author : B. ChandarShekar, S. Sathish, K. Karuppusamy and R. Sathyamoorthy
Year : 2010
Institution: KSR Campus, Tiruchengode-Coimbatore, India.2.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Advanced Materials and its Applications (ICAMA-2011)
Name of the Author : S. Sengodan, B. ChandarShekar, S. Sathish, R. SathyaMoorthi and S. Gopal
Year : 2011
Institution: Kalasalingam University3.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2011)
Name of the Author : S. Sathish, B. ChandarShekar, B. Ranjith Kumar and D. Nataraj
Year : 2012
Institution: PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.4.Title of the Conference : 6th International Symposium on Macro- and Supermolecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-2012)
Name of the Author : S. Sathish and B. ChandarShekar
Year : 2012
Institution: KSR5.Title of the Conference : 6th International Symposium on Macro- and Supermolecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-2012),
Name of the Author : R. Sengodan, B. ChandarShekar and S. Sathish
Year : 2012
Institution: KSR6.Title of the Conference : International Conference on Optics & Photonics 2015
Name of the Author : Vadivelan V and ChandarShekar B
Year : 2015
Name of the Author : Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Manoj Sivaraj, Pranesh Krishnan
Year : 2016
Name of the Author : Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Manoj Sivaraj, Pranesh Krishnan
Year : 2016
Institution: IEEE Explore9.Title of the Conference : International conference on advanced materials science and technology
Name of the Author : C.Sharmila, V.Prabhavathi, B.Chandrashekar
Year : 2017
Institution: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, SathyamangalamNational
1.Title of the Conference : Proceedings of Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS’ 98)
Name of the Author : B. ChandarShekar, S. Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa. K. Narayandass
Year : 1996
Institution: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.2.Title of the Conference : Physics and Technology of Sensors (4th NSPTS)
Name of the Author : S. Sakthivel, B. ChandarShekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass
Year : 1997
Institution: Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India.3.Title of the Conference : National Conference on Spintronics Materials: Nanostructures And Devices (SMND-2011)
Name of the Author : S. Sengodan, S. Sathish, M. Shankaran, B. ChandarShekar and R. SathyaMoorthi
Year : 2011
Institution: Kongu Engineering College, Tamilnadu4.Title of the Conference : Confluence-2012
Name of the Author : R. Sengodan, B. ChandarShekar, S. Sathish and R. SathyaMoorthi
Year : 2012
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.5.Title of the Conference : Confluence-2012
Name of the Author : S. Sathish and B. ChandarShekar
Year : 2012
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.6.Title of the Conference : Confluence-2012
Name of the Author : S. Sathish, B. ChandarShekar and B. Ranjith Kumar
Year : 2012
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.7.Title of the Conference : PRAYAF-2016
Name of the Author : Ranjithkumar, R., S. Sathish, R. Sengodan, C.K. SenthilKumaran and B. Chandar Shekar
Year : 2016
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.8.Title of the Conference : PRAYAF-2016
Name of the Author : Ranjithkumar, R., K. Selvam, R.P. Senthil Kumar, J. Manikantan, C.K. SenthilKumaran and B. ChandarShekar
Year : 2016
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.9.Title of the Conference : PRAYAF-2016
Name of the Author : Ranjithkumar, R., K. Selvam, R.P. Senthil Kumar, J. Manikantan, C.K. Senthil Kumaran and B. ChandarShekar
Year : 2016
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.10.Title of the Conference : National conference on Advanced functional materials and their applications in Engineering .
Name of the Author : C. Sharmila, A. Lincy Priyangaa, V.Prabhavathi, B.Chandrashekar
Year : 2017
Institution: Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Books Edited Year Wise
1.Title of the Books : Surface Analysis
Name of the Publisher : Sara Book Publication, INDIA Pub
ISBN : 978-1-63041-625-6
Year : 20162.Title of the Books : Radionuclides in the Environment-Influence of Chemical Speciation and Plant Uptake on Radionuclide Migration
Name of the Publisher : Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland
ISBN : 978-3-319-22171-7
Year : 2015Chapter Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Chapter :
Author :
Name of the Publisher :
Year :
ID/Ref No :
Year :
Courses Handled by Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Course Teaching
- Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Optics
- Laser Physics & Fiber Optics
- Atomic and Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics
- Problems in Physics
- Electromagnetic theory and Electrodynamics
- Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Course Material
Projects Handled by Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Funded Project
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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Amount :
Duration :
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Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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Consultancy Project
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1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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Title of the project :
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1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
Research Guidance of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1. S. Nithya
Title of the Thesis : Growth, Characterizations and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Pyridine Based Single Crystals for Nonlinear Optical Applications
Date of Award : Ongoing2. Muthu Priya
Date of Award : Ongoing3. N.Kamatchi Devi
Title of the Thesis : Study of metal doped TiO2 nanoparticles for water purification
Date of Award : Ongoing4. C. Selvi
Title of the Thesis : Characterization of Lithium Niobate Nanoparticles Prepared at Low Temperature Wet Chemical Method.
Date of Award : Ongoing5. H.R. Pratheep
Title of the Thesis : Fabrication and Characterization of Light Sensitive Materials For Holographic Applications.
Date of Award : OngoingCompleted
1. P.K. Manigandan
Title of the Thesis : Distribution of Radionuclides in soil and its transfer to plants in western Ghats Environment
Date of Award : 20142. S. Sathish
Title of the Thesis : Core-Shell structured nanoparticles and Transparent Hybrid/ nanoscale Thin films of AnAlO, InTiO and InZnO for Electronic,Optoelectronic, Sensors and Biomedical Applications.
Date of Award : 20143. R. Sengodan
Title of the Thesis : Preparation and characterization of BaTiO3 and Sr doped BaTiO3 nanoparticles and their thin films for optoelectronic devices and biological.
Date of Award : 20154. S. Gayathri
Title of the Thesis : Characterization and biomedical application of lanthanum aluminate and lanthanum silicate nanoparticles prepared by simple sol gel technique.
Date of Award : 20175. N. Manivannan
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis and Characterization of ZnS and doped (Co, Cr, Mn, Gd) ZnS nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
Date of Award : 20186. V. Vadivelan
Date of Award : 20187. C. Sharmila
Title of the Thesis : Chemical and Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Dextran Sulfate for Biomedical Applications
Date of Award : 20198. A.S. Balaganesh
Title of the Thesis : Calcium oxide (cao), Calcium Phosphate (CaP) and hybrid Chitosan- CaO and caP nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and Applications.
Date of Award : 2021
1.Name of the Candidate
Title of the Thesis :
Date of Award :Completed
1. T. Divya
Title of the Thesis : Preparation and Characterization of Vacuum Evaporated LaAlO3 Thin Films for Transistor and Optoelectronic Devices.
Date of Award : 20142. M. Saranya
Title of the Thesis : Characterization of nanoscale leads telluride thin films prepared by thermal evaporation method.
Date of Award : 20143. V. Suganya
Title of the Thesis : Structure, Dielectric and current-voltage (I-V) behaviour of Cyanoethyl pullulan thin films prepared by spin coating method.
Date of Award : 20154. K. Praveenkumar
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis and characterization of CaO and Chitosan composite nanoparticles.
Date of Award : 20175. N.Pavithra
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis and characterization of silver and chitosan-silver nanoparticles by green route method and its antibacterial activity.
Date of Award : 20216. B. Ranjith Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis and characterization of Pervoskite type LaAlO3 nanoparticles.
Date of Award : 2012
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
Institutional Responsibilities of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Administrative (KASC)
1.Name of the Responsibility : NSS Program Officer
Period : 2010 - 2017
Designation : NSS Program Officer
Nature of the Responsibility : NSS related work2.Name of the Responsibility : Placement Cell Coordinator
Period : 2010 - 2011
Designation : Placement Cell Coordinator
Nature of the Responsibility : Placement related work3.Name of the Responsibility : Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Period : 2013 - 2014
Designation : Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Nature of the Responsibility : Quality assurance related work4.Name of the Responsibility : Library Committee Member
Period : 2011 - 2013
Designation : Library Committee Member
Nature of the Responsibility : Library related work5.Name of the Responsibility : Research Committee Member
Period : 2011 - 2017
Designation :
Nature of the Responsibility : Research related activities.6.Name of the Responsibility : CIA Examination Committee Member
Period : 2011 - 2017
Designation : CIA Examination Committee Member
Nature of the Responsibility : CIA exam related activities.7.Name of the Responsibility : Member Editorial Board
Period : 2019 - 2022
Designation : Member Editorial Board
Nature of the Responsibility : Reviewer8.Name of the Responsibility : ASSOCIATE-EDITOR
Period : 2014 - 2022
Nature of the Responsibility : Review and Publication related work9.Name of the Responsibility : ASSOCIATE-EDITOR
Period : 2014 - 2019
Nature of the Responsibility : Review and Publication related work
Awards & Memberships of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Academic awards
1. Awarding agency : RECORD OWNER
Country :
Title of paper : Incredible Academician of India
Date of Award : 20212. Awarding agency : VDGOOD Professional Association
Country :
Title of paper : Outstanding Scientist Award
Date of Award : 20213 .Awarding agency : Glacier Journal Research Foundation
Country :
Title of paper : Adhesh Vidya Saraswathi Rastira Puraskar
Date of Award : 20194. Awarding agency : IRDP, India
Country :
Date of Award : 20175. Awarding agency : MARINA LABS
Country :
Title of paper : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Scientific Excellence
Date of Award : 20176. Awarding agency : Global Economic Progress Research Foundation, India
Country :
Title of paper : Bharat Ratna Indra Gandhi Gold Medal Award
Date of Award : 20177. Awarding agency : NEAR Foundation, India
Country :
Title of paper : NEAR National Research Award
Date of Award : 20148. Awarding agency : International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore, India
Country :
Title of paper: Dr. Radhakrishna Shikshana Ratna National Award
Date of Award : 2014Membership
Membership in Professional Bodies
1.Organization :
Type of Membership :
Period :
Visits/Collaborations/Others of Dr.B.Chandar Shekar

- Thin Film Physics
- Nanomaterials
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1.Countries Visits : United States of America
Duration of Visit : one year
Month and Year : 2001 to 2002
Purpose of Visit : Patent Research and consultant for IBM inventions2.Countries Visits : Republic of Korea
Duration of Visit : Two years
Month and Year : 2002 to 2004
Purpose of Visit : Post Doctoral Research Scientist -Pohang University of Science and Technology3.Countries Visits : Netherland
Duration of Visit : One week
Month and Year : 2000
Purpose of Visit : Invited LectureCollaborations
1. Delivered a lecture on Polymer Thin Films at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2000, The Netherlands.
2. Capacitance- Voltage, TSDC, Pyroelectric and Surface Morphology of PMMA Thin Films Prepared by Isothermal Immersion, Korea-Japan Joint Forum 2003, Korea.
3. Invited talk in the National conference on Developing Scenario in Applied Sciences and Communicative English (CONFLUENCE-2012), Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
4. Resource Person in the Young Student Scientist Programme on Feb. 2011 in Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Supported by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Govt. Of Tamil Nadu, India.
5. Resource Person in the In-Service Training Programme to Secondary Grade Science Teachers, 2012, Sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Govt. Of Tamil Nadu, India.
6. Resource Person in the Young Student Scientist Programme on Feb. 2012 in Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Supported by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.
7. Resource Person and Inaugural Address in the MHRD, NCPRE & IIT-BOMBAY-SPONSORED “Short Term Course On Solar Cell Testing”, on September 22, 2014 held at P.G & Research Department of Physics, Rajah Serfoji Govt. College, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India.
8. Resource Person in the awareness program for school children on “Non Conventional Energy Resource - Conservation and Management”, organized by The NEAR Foundation on 30th day of December, 2014 at Recreation Club, Upper Camp, TNEB, Manjoor, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu.
9. Resource person in the one day seminar on “Emerging Trends in Nanosciences” organized on March 2015 by Department of Biotechnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
10. Resource person in the World Environment Day organized by The NEAR Foundation on 5th May 2015 at Recreation Club, Upper Camp, TNEB, Manjoor, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu.
11. Resource person in the One day seminar on “Development of Science and Technology” organized on Oct-10-2015 by Saraswathi Ramachandran Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
12. Resource person in the One day seminar on “Development of Science and Technology” organized on Oct-16-2015 by Laurel matriculation Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
13. Resource person in the One day seminar on “National Science Day” organized on 26-02-2016 by Indian Science Congress Association, Coimbatore Chapter, Tamilnadu, India.
14. Resource person in the Nation level Seminar on “Nanotechnology in Biological Sciences” [DBT-Star College Scheme] on 07/09/2016 organized by Department of Zoology, KASC, Coimbatore.
15. Guest Lecture on the Short-term course “Advances in Biological Systems and Material Science in Nano world” organized by Quality Improvement Programme, AICTE, Government of India on 22nd April 2017 at CIT, Coimbatore.
16. Resource person in state level science exhibition held at PSGKR, Coimbatore, on 4th July 2018.
17. Resource person on TEQIP III Sponsored FDP on "emerging trends in science and technology 15th december 2018.
18. Chaired a scientific Session in the International Conference on Impact of Innovation in Science and Technology for Societal Development (IISTSD-2019) held during 19-21, September 2019 at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
19. Guest lecture on Importance of Nanotechnology in Biosciences organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India on 26-09-2019.
20. Guest lecture on NANOMATERIALS FOR SOLAR AND BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS” organized by Department of Physics & Electronics and Communication Systems, Govt. Arts College, OOTY on 18.06.2020 (11.00 am to 12.30 pm).
21. Guest lecture on NANOSCIENCE and its applications in biomedical and solar energy organized by Department of Physics, NGP on 5-12-2021.
Papers Presented and Abstracts published in Conferences / Seminars / Symposium
1. B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Conduction studies on matallophthalocyanine films. Proceedings of Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS’ 98) 39C (1996) 251.
2. S. Sakthivel, B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Application of polypyrrole as sensors. Proceedings of the 4th National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (4thNSPTS) February - 1997, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat, India.
3. S. Sakthivel, B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Dielectric, electrical conduction and optical properties of metellophthalocyanine/Polyaniline composite thin films, 8th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-8), July 1-5, 1996, Osaka, Japan.
4. S.Sakthivel, B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Dielectric, AC and DC conduction studies of Polypyrrole / Polyaniline blend films by casting technique, Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials (IPCM '97) Sept.1-3, 1997, Hungary.
5. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Dielectric and conduction properties of PMMA thin film prepared by isothermal immersion method, 5th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, October 13-16, 1998, Bangalore, India.
6. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Thermally stimulated discharge current and pyroelectricity of PMMA thin films prepared by isothermal immersion method, 5th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, October 13-16, 1998, Bangalore, India.
7. B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Structural properties of polyaniline films. S.Sakthivel, Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Symposium, February - 1998, IIT, Madras, India.
8. S.Sakthivel, B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Conducting polymer thin film sensor. Proceedings of the 5th National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (NSPTS) February 2-4, 1998, Puna University, Pune, India.
9. S.Sakthivel, B.Chandar Shekar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Laser demage studies on some conducting polymer films, National Seminar in Applied Physics, Indian School of Mines, March 23-25, 1998, Dhanbad-826 004, India.
11. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D.Mangalaraj, Sa.K.Narayandass and S. Venkatachalam, Dielectric and conduction properties of cobalt phthalocyanine – polyaniline blend films, National Seminar on Materials and Characterization, July13, 1998, CECRI, Karaikudi, India.
12. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Conduction properties and application as thin film capacitor of polyaniline thin films, National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Physics (NCRTMP' 99), March 10, 11, 1999, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
13. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Synthesis, electrical conduction and breakdown studies of cobalt phthalocyanine thin films. National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Physics (NCRTMP' 99), March 10, 11, 1999, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
14. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Electrical conduction and Breakdown studies of cobalt phthalocyanine thin films, National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Physics (NCRTMP' 99), March 10, 11, 1999, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
15. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Conduction properties and application as thin film capacitor of metallophthalocyanine and polyaniline thin films, National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Physics (NCRTMP' 99), March 10, 11, 1999, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
16. .B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, M. Sridhran, V. Senthil Kumar, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Synthesis, electrical conduction, breakdown and laser damage studies of polyaniline thin films, One day seminar on Recent Trends in Chemical Physics, May 3, 1999, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India.
17. B.Chandar Shekar, S.Sakthivel, R. T. Rajendra Kumar, B. Karunagaran, D. Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Dielectric and conduction properties of polymeric cobalt phthalocyanine films, One day seminar on Recent Trends in Chemical Physics, May 3, 1999, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India.
19. B.Chandar Shekar, D.Mangalaraj and Sa.K.Narayandass, Application of polypyrrole and cobalt phthalocyanine as chemical sensors, Proceedings of the 8th National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (NSPTS-8), Feb-27- Mar1, 2001, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India.
20. B.Chandar Shekar, MoonKyong Na, Jiyeon Lee and Shi-Woo Rhee, Capacitance- Voltage, TSDC, Pyroelectric and Surface Morphology of PMMA Thin Films Prepared by Isothermal Immersion, Korea – Japan Joint Forum 2003, Korea.
21. Moon Kyang Na, B.Chandar Shekar and Shi-Woo Rhee, Surface morphology, Capacitance-Voltage and Current-Voltage behavior of PMMA thin films prepared by spin coating method, KIChE and KSIEC Meeting, 2004.
22. B.Chandar Shekar, Surface analysis of nano thick PMMA films for Organic Thin Film Transistor applications, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience, 16 -17, Dec., 2009, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
23. B.Chandar Shekar, Capacitance-Voltage and Current-Voltage behavior of nano thin PMMA films prepared by spin coating, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience, 16 -17, Dec., 2009, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
24. B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj, Application of cobalt phthalocyanine, polyaniline and their blend of 500 nm thick film as chemical gas sensor, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience, 16 -17, Dec., 2009, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
25. B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj, Synthesis, electrical conduction, breakdown and laser damage studies on cobalt phthalocyanine, polyaniline and their blend films, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience, 16 -17, Dec., 2009, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
26. B.Chandar Shekar and D. Mangalaraj, Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current and Pyroelectricity of Nano thin Polyvinyl Alcohol Films Prepared by Solution Growth Method, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanoscience, 16 -17, Dec., 2009, P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
27. B.Chandar Shekar and Shi-Woo Rhee, Characterization of nano scale films of pentacene small molecule prepared by Organic vapor phase deposition (OVPD) for field effect transistor applications, National Conference on Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites (NCMNN 2010), 4 & 5, Feb., 2010, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
28. B.Chandar Shekar and Shi-Woo Rhee, Surface analysis of CEP- PMMA blend nano films for Organic Thin Film Transistor applications, National Conference on Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites (NCMNN 2010), 4 & 5, Feb., 2010, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
29. B.Chandar Shekar and Shi-Woo Rhee, Surface morphology and dielectric behaviour of cyanoethyl pullulan nano films for Organic Thin Film Transistor applications, National Conference on Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites (NCMNN 2010), 4 & 5, Feb., 2010, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
30. B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish & R. Sathya Moorthy, Morphology, structure and conduction properties of PVA nano scale films for field effect organic thin film transistor applications, National Conference on Nanomaterials (NCN-2010), 3-4, Dec., 2010, Karunya University.
31. S. Sathish, B.Chandar Shekar and R. Sathya Moorthy, Nano polymer films by fast dip Coating method for field effect transistor applications, National Conference on Nanomaterials, (NCN-2010), 3-4, Dec.,2010, Karunya University.
32. B.Chandar Shekar and S.Sathish, Annealing effect on the morphology and electrical behaviour of spin coated nano PMMA films, National Conference on Nanomaterials, (NCN-2010) 3-4, Dec., 2010, Karunya University.
33. B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish, K. Karuppusamy and R. Sathyamoorthy, Nano scale PMMA films for Organic thin film transistor and AFM data storage devices. International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (NANO-2010), 13-16 December 2010, KSR Campus, Tiruchengode-Coimbatore, India.
34. B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish and R. Sathyamoorthy, Structure, Dielectric and AC conduction properties of nano scale PVA films for transistor applications, International Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Spectroscopy” (ICORFAS-2010),22-24 September 2010, Department of Physics, Annamalai University.
36. R. Sengodan, B.Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish, R. Sathyamoorthi and S. Gopal, Characterization of nano thin BaTiO3 films prepared by vacuum evaporation of barium titanate nano powders for thin film transistor applications, International Conference on Advanced Materials and its Applications (ICAMA-2011),4-5thMarch 2011, Kalasalingam University.
37. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, B.T. Bhavyasree and R. Sathyamoorthy, Nano composite PVA-TiO2 thin films for OTFTs, International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2011), July 6-8th, 2011, Coimbatore Institute of Technology.
38. B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish, B.T. Bhavyasree and B. Ranjith Kumar, Characterization of PMMA thin films by FDC technique For FET applications. International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2011), July 6-8th, 2011, Coimbatore Institute of Technology.
39. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and R. Sengodan, Nano polymer films by fast dip coating method for field effect transistor applications, National Conference on Spintronics Materials: Nanostructures and Devices (SMND-2011), 3rd and 4th , March, 2011 , Kongu Engineering College, Tamilnadu.
40. R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish & R. Sathya Moorthi. Dielectric and AC Conduction Properties of Vacuum Evaporated Nano Scale V2O5 Films. National Conference on Spintronics Materials: Nanostructures And Devices (SMND-2011).
41. S. Sathish, B.Chandar Shekar and R. Sengodan, Nano polymer films by fast dip coating method for field effect transistor applications, National Conference on Spintronics Materials: Nanostructures and Devices (SMND-2011), 3rd and 4th , March,2011 , Kongu Engineering College, Tamilnadu.
42. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, B. Ranjith Kumar and D. Nataraj, Synthesis and characterization of perovskite type LaAlO3 nanoparticles for field effect TFT applications, International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2011), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
44. S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Dielectric and AC Conduction properties of PVA nano scale films for field effect organic thin film transistor applications, National Conference on Developing Scenario in Applied Sciences and Communicative English (Confluence 2012) Conference Proceedings, p 69-72, 2nd-3rd March, 2012 Kumaraguru college of technology, Coimbatore.
45. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and B. Ranjith Kumar, Preparation of LaAlO3 Nanoparticals for Thin Film Transistor Application, National Conference on Developing Scenario in Applied Sciences and Communicative English (Confluence 2012) Conference Proceedings, p 69-72, 2nd-3rd March, 2012 Kumaraguru college of technology, Coimbatore.
46. S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Transparent nano composite thin films for thin film transistors & opto-electronic devices, 6th International Symposium on Macro- and Supermolecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-2012), KSR, Le Meridien Hotel Coimbatore, 21-25 Nov 2012.
47. R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish, Structural and Temperature Dependent on Optical Properties of Vacuum Evaporated anoscale BaTiO3 thin films prepared from BaTiO3 nanoparticles, 6th International Symposium on Macro- and Supermolecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-2012), KSR, Venue at Le Meridien Hotel Coimbatore, 21- 25 Nov 2012.
48. S. Sathish, M. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar, Nanocomposite PVA-In2O3 Thin Films for Transparent Organic Thin Film Transistor, National Conference on Nanomaterials (NCN-2012), Karunya University, 3rd & 4th Dec-2012.
49. R. Sengodan, B. Chandar Shekar and S. Sathish, Synthesis and Characterization of BaTiO3 Nano Particles Synthesized from Different Starting Materials by Hydrothermal Method, National Conference on Nanomaterials (NCN-2012), Karunya University,3rd & 4th Dec-2012.
50. Sinjula C.S, Chandar Shekar. B, S. Sathish, Shanker. M, Ramesh R and Dinesh K.P.B. Hepatoprotective effect of 2-imino-4-methyl-1, 2-dihydropyrimido [5, 4-c] quinolin-5(6-h) - one in indium titanate nanoparticle induced toxicity in animal models. (Indian Science Congress, Coimbatore, 15th and 16th of December 2012).
51. Jijimol, Chandar Shekar. B, S. Sathish, Ramesh M. and Dinesh K.P.B. Chemopreventive role of Aegle marmelos in indium titante nanoparticle induced liver damage in experimental animals ((Indian Science Congress, Coimbatore, 15th and 16th of December 2012).
52. Jeeva, Chandar Shekar. B, Sathish Kumar, Ramesh M, and Dinesh K.P.B. Hepatoprotective effect of Coccinia grandis in indium titanate nanoparticle induced liver toxicity in male albino rats. (Indian Science Congress, Coimbatore, 15th and 16th of December 2012).
53. N. Manivannan, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Structural and Morphological studies of Nano Composite PVA-Al2O3 Thin Films, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 14, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, Coimbatore.
54. S. Sathish, M. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar, New possibilities of Application of Nano Composite Thin Films, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 24, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, Coimbatore.
55. S. Sathish, M. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar, Nanocomposite Thin Films: Preparation and Characterization, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 25, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, Coimbatore.
56. R. Sengodan, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Temperature dependent of Structural and Optical Properties of BaTiO3 Nano Particles Synthesized by Wet Chemical Method, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 30, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, Coimbatore.
57. S. Sathish, M. Murugesh and B. Chandar Shekar, Preparation and Characterization of In2O3 Nano Particles Embedded in PMMA Matrix, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 29, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, and Coimbatore.
58. N. Manivannan, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Optical Properties of Dip Coated Composite PVA-Al2O3 Thin Films, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 33, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, and Coimbatore.
59. T. Divya, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Lanthanum Aluminate (LaAlO3) Nanoparticles Prepared by Wet Chemical Method, Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping the Future of India, pp. 33, December 15-16, 2012, KASC, Coimbatore.
60. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, C.S. Sinjula, K.P.B. Dinesh, M. Shanker and M. Ramesh, Analysis of 2-imino-4-methyl-1, 2- against dihydropyrimido [5, 4-c] quinolin-5(6-h) - one in indium titanium oxide induced hepatotoxicity in rat, RBCB-2013.
61. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, P. Jeeva, K.P.B. Dinesh and M. Ramesh, Synthesis of core-shell structured indium titanium oxide nanoparticles and its toxicity in albino rats: with special reference to antioxidants, RBCB-2013.
62. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, Jijimol, K.P.B. Dinesh and M. Ramesh, Beneficial effect of aegle marmelos against core-shell structured indium titanium oxide nanoparticles induced toxicity in experimental animals, RBCB-2013
63. V. Vadivelan and B. Chandar Shekar, Holographic photonic crystals as solar concentrator for inorganic thin film solar cell” proceeding of 10th international conference on Holo - Expo 2013, Moscow, Russia, Sep 17-18, 2013.
64. V. Vadivelan, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Light concentration in thin film solar cell by holographic technique” Accepted for oral presentation in the Holography Conference 2013, Delhi, India, Nov 7-9, 2013.
65. Dinesh Bheeman, Jijimol, Sathish Sugumaran, Ramesh Mathan, and Chandar Shekar Bellan, Phytochemistry and pharmacognosy of aegles marmelos in indium titanium oxide nanoparticles induced hepatotoxicity, National symposium SciNo-2013, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 6-7 December 2013.
66. Dinesh Bheeman, Sathish Sugumaran, Ramesh Mathan, and Chandar Shekar Bellan, Synthesis, characterisation and toxicological analysis of novel InTiO nanoparticles, National symposium SciNo-2013, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 6-7 December 2013.
67. S. Gayathri , Dinesh Bheeman And B.Chandar Shekar, Characterisation and antibacterial efficacy of Lanthanum Silicate Nanoparticles synthesised by simple sol-gel route “National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
68. A.S. Balaganesh, P. Saravanan, Dinesh Bheeman and B.Chandar Shekar, Bactericidal activity of calcium carbonate nanoparticles prepared by simplephysical thermal route, “National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
69. A.S. Balaganesh, P.Saravanan, Dinesh Bheeman and B.Chandar Shekar, Characterization and potential of antibacterial activity of calcium phosphate nanoparticles prepared by simple herbal route, National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
71. S. Sathish, B. Ranjith Kumar, M. Shankar, Dinesh Bheeman and B.Chandar Shekar, Structural, Electrical and bactericidal properties of LaAlO3 Nanoparticles, “National Conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA
72. S. Sathish, Dinesh Bheeman and B. Chandar Shekar, Structural, morphological, optical and toxicological analysis of core-Shell structured InTiO nanoparticles, National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
73. S. Sathish, K.P.B. Dinesh and B.Chandar Shekar, Antibacterial studies on Core-Shell structured InTiO nanoparticles (NPs) prepared by PVA assisted wet chemical method, “National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
74. R. Sengodan, S. Sathish, K.P.B. Dinesh and B. Chandar Shekar, Structural and anti-bacterial studies of BaTiO3 Nano particles, “National conference on recent strategies in biodiversity conservation” (RSBC ‘14”) on 22nd, January, 2014. SREE NARAYANAGURU COLLEGE, COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
75. K.P.B. Dinesh, S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar and R. Ranjith Kumar, Wound healing activity of core-shell structured InTiO nanoparticles, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
76. B. Ranjith Kumar, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Structural, morphological and optical properties of LaAlO3 nanoparticles, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
77. S. Sathish, B. Chandar Shekar, K.P.B. Dinesh and R. Ranjith Kumar, Preparation and characterization of core-shell structured InTiO Nanoparticles (NPs), National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
78. N. Manivannan, S. Sathish and B. Chandar Shekar, Morphology, Structural and Optical properties of PVA-Al2O3 nanocomposite thin films, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
79. S. Gayathri and B.Chandar Shekar, Synthesis and Characterisation of Lanthanum Aluminate Nanoparticles, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
80. Selvi. C and Chandar Shekar. B, Optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by surfactant free aqueous route, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
81. Vadivelan V, Chandar Shekar B, Holographic Multiple Diffraction Gratings in Photoresist for Symmetric Light Illumination Application, National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(NCAFM-2014), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
82. DR. K.P.B. Dinesh, Dr. B. Chandar Shekar, S. Sathish and R. Ranjithkumar, Elaeocarpus serratus L. – LAEOCARPACEAE (Wild Olive tree, Ceylon Olive.) National Level Symposium and Exhibition on "Medicinal values of Plants and Plant Products" 23rd January 2014, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
83. Dr. B. Chandar Shekar, Dr. K.P.B. Dinesh, S. Sathish and R. Ranjithkumar, Rubus ellipticus (Yellow Himalayan raspberry), National Level Symposium and Exhibition on "Medicinal values of Plants and Plant Products" 23rd January 2014, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
84. Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B, Role of the Modified CWC2 Developer – Bleach Combination for Diffraction Efficiency Enhancement in PFG -01 Fine Grain Silver Halide Holographic Emulsion”, Proceedings of International Conference on Optics & Optoelectronics (ICOL) – 2014 (XXXVIII Symposium of Optical Society of India) Instruments R&D Establishment, Dehradun, pp 130, India. 5-8 March, 2014.
85. Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B, Recording and Optimization of Holographic Solar Concentrator in Ultra Fine Grain Visible Wavelength Sensitive Silver Halide Emulsion CONFERENCE ON OPTO-ELECTRONICS AND APPLIED OPTICS 2014 (IEM Optronics 2014), Kolkata, India.
86. Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B, “Holographic multiplex grating for beautification”, IOP15 International Conference on Optics & Photonics 2015, 20 - 22 February 2015, Kolkata, India.
87. Sugapriya, S., Lakshmi, S., Senthil Kumaran, C.K., Manivannan, N. and Chandar Shekar, B., Structural and Electrical Properties of ZnO Flower-like structures, UGC-SERO Sponsored Second National Conference on Thin Film Science & Nano Technology ( Second NCTFSANT-2015), 2nd & 3rd March, 2015.
88. Senthil Kumaran, C.K., Sugapriya, S., Manivannan, N. and Chandar Shekar, B., Effect on the growth performance of broiler chickens by selenium nanoparticles supplementation, UGC-SERO Sponsored Second National Conference on Thin Film Science & Nano Technology ( Second NCTFSANT-2015), 2nd & 3rd March, 2015.
89. Sugapriya, S., Lakshmi, S., Senthil Kumaran, C.K., Manivannan, N. and Chandar Shekar, B., Phase change on TiO2 nanoparticles by annealing, UGC-SERO Sponsored Second National Conference on Thin Film Science & Nano Technology ( Second NCTFSANT-2015), 2nd & 3rd March, 2015.
90. Vadivelan V and Chandar Shekar B, Design and development of internal and external concentration of specific range of wavelengths on solar cells by holographic technique, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications ( AMEEA-2015), March 18th -20th, 2015, Organized by Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
91. Ranjithkumar Rajamani, Sathish Sugumaran , Dinesh Bheeman, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Sagadevan Pattiyappan and Rathishkumar Sivaraman, Raja Sengodan, toxicity of novel indium titanium oxide (InTiO) nanoparticles against Escherichia coli, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications (AMEEA-2015), March 18th -20th, 2015, Organized by Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
92. A.S.Balaganesh, P. Saravanan, R. Ranjithkumar and B. Chandarshekar, Synthesis of calcium phosphate nanoparticles via green route and its antibacterial activity, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications ( AMEEA-2015), March 18th -20th, 2015, Organized by Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore- 641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
93. C. Selvi and B.Chandar Shekar, Synthesis , Characterization And Optical Properties Of Lithium Niobate Nanoparticles Prepared Low Temperature Wet Chemical Method, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications ( AMEEA-2015), March 18th -20th, 2015, Organized by Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
94. S. Gayathri and B.Chandar Shekar, Characterization of lanthanum silicate power synthesized by simple sol-gel route, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications ( AMEEA-2015), March 18th -20th, 2015, Organized by Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
95. B.Chandar Shekar, J. Manikantan and R. Ranjithkumar, Dip Coated Antibacterial Textile Fabric via Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles, National conference on Medicinal plants and health care on 17th March 2015, BIOGEN" - Biotechnology Association PG and Research Department of Biotechnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore - 641 029. Tamil Nadu. India.
96. Chandar Shekar. B, Sharmila. C and R. Ranjith Kumar. Characterization and Evaluation of Antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles. Two day international conference on Advances in Micro/nanotechnologies for biological applications. ICAMB-2015, August 7th-8th (2015). Organized by PSG Institute of Advanced Studies.
97. Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Manoj Sivaraj and Sharmila Chandran, “Novel InZnO Nano Thin Film: New Possibility on Room Temperature Gas Sensors”, Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors (ACCS-2015) on November 16-18 at Penang, Malaysia. 2015.
98. Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Noor Bin Ahmad, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Chandar Shekar Bellan and K.. Saravanakumar, “Nanoantenna Arrays for Future Efficient Solar Energy applications”, National Conference on Science and Technology for Indigenous Development, Organized by the Indian Science Congress Association - Chennai Chapter, SRM University, India, November 26-28, 2015.
99. Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Mohd Noor Ahmad, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Manoj Sivaraj, Pranesh Krishnan, Nanoantenna Based Wireless Communication for Cancer Tumour Detection- An Overview, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS-2016), Karpagam College of Engineering, Feb 25-26, 2016.
100. Sathish Sugumaran, Mohd Faizal Jamlos, Mohd Noor Ahmad, Chandar Shekar Bellan, Manoj Sivaraj, Pranesh Krishnan, Flexible Nanoantenna/Tunnel Diode as an Alternative Device to Photovoltaic (PV) Cells for Future Efficient Solar Energy Applications- An Overview, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS-2016), Karpagam College of Engineering, Feb 25-26, 2016.
102.Jincy C.S, Sharmila.C, Selvi C, Chandra Shekar B., Synthesis and Characterization of Aloe vera Blended Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in PVA Matrix, International Conference on Material Sciences, SCICON-16, Amrita University, December 19th -21st,
2016. (Poster presentation).
B. Chandrashekar, Structural and Optical Characterizations of Ag Doped ZnO Nanoparticles., International Conference on Material Sciences, SCICON-16, Amrita University, December 19th -21st, 2016. (Poster presentation)
C.Sharmila, A. Lincy Priyangaa, V.Prabhavathi, B. Chandrashekar, Synthesis and chanracterization of silver nanoparticles, National conference on Advanced functional materials and their applications in Engineering , NCAFMAE-2017, Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 28-01-2017.(Oral Presentation)
C.Sharmila, V.Prabhavathi and B. Chandrashekar, Size controlled synthesis of Dextran Sulfate stabilized silver nanoparticles., National conference on advanced materials: processing and characterisation, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, 27th -28th February 2017. (Poster Presentation)
C.Sharmila, V.Prabhavathi and B. Chandrashekar, Synthesis And Characterization Of
Ag-Ds Biopolymer Composites,ICAMST-2017,Bannariamman Institute ofTechnology,
Sathyamangalam, 17th – 19th August 2017. (Poster Presentation)
Dinesh Bheeman, Ranjith Kumar Rajamani, Sathish Sugumara and Chandar Shekar
Bellan, “Prevalence of MicroRNA Responsive Elements in the 5’ UTR of Genes Linked to Diabetes” at International Conference on “Current Trend in Advance Biomedical” in Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India on 24th
and 25th Jan-2018.
Gnanambika. M, R. Ranjithkumar and B. Chandar Shekar, “Fruit Biowaste Assisted Silver Nanopartilces - Biosynthesis, Characterization and Application”, at National Conference on “Biosubmit” in Hindustan Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India on 3rd Feb 2018.
Tamilselvi. D., M. Vijay, R. Ranjithkumar and B. Chandar Shekar, “Biosynthesis, Characterization and Remedical Aspect of Silver Nanoparticles against Pathogenic Bacteria”, in National Conference on “Biosubmit" at Hindustan Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India on 3rd Feb 2018.
Gnanambika. M, R. Ranjithkumar, A. S. Balaganesh, K.V.M. Aparna and B. Chandar Shekar, in International Conference on "BioScience and Industrial Application" at Ramakrishna Arts and Science College for Woman, Tamilnadu, Coimbatore, India on 16th Feb 2018.
Proceedings of “Solid State Physics Symposium” (SSPS’96), 27-31st December, 1996, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.
4th National Seminar on “Physics and Technology of Sensors” (4th NSPTS), 3- 5th Feb., 1997, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India.
5th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, 13 – 16th, October, 1998, IISC, Bangalore, India.
Seminar cum workshop on “Materials and Characterization”, 13-17th, July, 1998, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, India.
Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Symposium, 11- 13th, February, 1998, IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu, India.
5th National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (5th NSPTS), 2- 4th Feb., 1998, Puna University, Pune, India.
Seminar on Nuclear Energy for National Development (NEND), 3rd December, 2009, NGM College, Pollachi, India.
National Conference on Recent Trends in Modern Physics (NCRTMP’ 1999), 10th March, 1999, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
One day Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemical Physics, 3rd May, 1999, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India.
International Seminar on Polymer Materials for 21st Century, 21 - 24, February, 2000, proposed Indian Institute of Polymers and Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, New Delhi, India.
Korea-Japan Joint Forum 2003, South Korea, Eight National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors, 27th Feb.,2001 to1st March, 2001, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 2003, South Korea.
National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nanosciences, 16-17th December, 2009, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, India.
Seminar on Nuclear Energy for National Development (NEND), 3rd December, 2009, NGM College, Pollachi, India.
National Conference on Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites (NCMNN- 2010), 4-5th, February, 2010, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India.
National Conference on NANO MATERIALS, 3-4th Dec. 2010, Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
National Conference on Spintronic Materials: Nanostructures and Devices (SMND -2011), 3- 4th March, 2011, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India.
Regional Science Congress on Science for Shaping and Future of India, December 15th and 16th 2012, held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, India.
National Conference on Developing Scenario in Applied sciences and Communicative English (CONFLUENCE - 2012), 2-3rd March 2012, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Served as Local Sectional Secretary in the Section of Physical/Material Science in the Regional Science Congress held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore- 641 029, Tamil Nadu on December 15th & 16th, 2012.
One day workshop on Latest Trends in Test and Measurement Technology, on 21th March 2013, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India.
National symposiums on Science of Nano SCINO’ 13, Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, 7 Dec- 2013.
National level workshop on Biosafety, Bioethics and Calculations in Biological Sciences, 16th December 2013, PG and Research Department of Biotechnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Participation in STATE LEVEL CONGRESS, of 21st National Children’s Congress-2013, held at Sasurie College of Engineering, Tiruppur, on Dec 7th – 9th, 2013.
National conference on Recent Developments in Green Chemistry (NDRDGC-2013), 18th and 19th December 2013. Department of Chemistry, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
One day National Workshop on Recent Advances in Aquatic Research, 12th Dec 2013, Dr. Aruchami Research Foundation and PG & Research Department of Zoology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
Participation on World Environment Day -2014, on 5 June-2014, organized by The Nilgiris Education and Research Foundation, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, India
Participated in the Seminar on “Understanding our Wildlife” 18th February, 2015 organized by OSAI and Department of Zoology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
Participated in the “VISION NANO-15” February 21th 2015 a one day National Seminar on Nanomaterials Research organized by Department of Nanotechnology, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
Participated in the World Environment Day -2015, on 5 June-2014, organized by The Nilgiris Education and Research Foundation, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, India.
Organising committee member in the workshop entitled ‘Applications of Statications of Statistical Tools using SPSS- Hands on Experience’ organized by Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, on 11th and 12th Feb-2016.
Participated in the workshop entitled ‘Spawn Production and Mushroom Cultivation’ organized by Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, on 1st July 2016.
Participated in the seminar entitled ‘Scientific Approaches on Judicious Management of Natural Resource’ organized by Indian Science Congress Associate Coimbatore chapter (KASC), Coimbatore on 26th Feb-2016.
Organising committee member in the Skill Upgradation Training Programme on Mobile Phone servicing workshop conducted at KASC campus, Coimbatore during the academic year 2016-2017.
Organising committee member in the “Science Academic’ Lecture Workshop on Recent Trends in Applied Physics held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India between 06th -08th Dec. 2017.
Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome based Education” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India on 14th Dec. 2017.
Organising committee member in the National seminar on ‘Recent trends in Astronomy and Astrophysics’, held on 01.03.2018 at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Organising committee member in the International Workshop on “Materials for Energy, Environment and Biological Applications” held on 5th April, 2018, organized by KASC and University of Exeter, UK.
Organising committee member in the workshop on “ Handling, Maintaining and Troubleshooting of Laboratory Instruments” held on 26th July 2018, organized by the Dept. of Physics, KASC, Coimbatore, TN, India.
Organising committee member in the National Seminar on “ An Overview on Statistical Physics” held on 31st July 2018, organized by Dept. of Physics, KASC, Coimbatore, TN, India.
Participated in the workshop on “NAAC-Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF) and a Road map to Higher Educational Institutions” held on 28th Sept., 2018, organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, TN, India.
Organising committee member in the International Symposium on “ Trends in Solar Cell Research” held on 3rd October 2018, organized by Dept. of Physics, KASC, Coimbatore, TN, India.
Organizing Secretary in organizing the International Conference on Impact of Innovation in Science and Technology for Societal Development (IISTSD-2019) held during 19-21, September 2019 at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Participated in National Level Webinar on “Fabrication of Single Crystals for the Applications in Radiation Dosimetry” on 25.07.2020 organized by Dept. of Physics, KASC, Coimbatore, TN, India.