Profile of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Research Area
- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
Featured Publications
- Enhanced Triethylamine Gas Sensing and Photocatalytic Performance of Sn doped NiO (SNO) nanoparticles
Courses Teaching
- Mechanics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Mathematical Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Atomic and Molecular Spectrosocpy
Education & Career of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Ph. D
Subject : Physics
Institution : Konguandu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2016M.Phil
Subject : Physics
Institution : Konguandu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2010M.Sc
Subject : Physics
Institution : Konguandu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2008B.Sc
Subject : Physics
Institution: SNMV College of Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2006Career
Institute Name: Konguandu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 18.06.2018 - Till datePast Experience
Institute Name: Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 05.06.2017 - 25.05.2018Institute Name: United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 23.09.2016 - 30.04.2017
Research Areas of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Permanent Magnets
Development of Rare Earth free permanent magnets for sustainable energy applications
Development of thermoelectric generators for sustainable energy applications
Publications of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
30. Title of the Publication : Dual function of Zn-doped NiO nanoparticles in high sensing of triethylamine gas and rhodamine B dye degradation
Name of the authors: S Sudha, A Raja, P Prameela, A Sivakami, S Cholan, Misook Kang, B Gokul, Samar A Aldossari
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 2024
29. Title of the Publication : Enhanced H2 sensing performance of perforated 3D NiO nanostructures and their comparative study with green synthesized NiO nanoparticles
Name of the authors: G Thilakavathi, Annamalai Raja, W Hannah Blessy, B Gokul, M Parthasarathy, JE Sangeetha, S Cholan, Misook Kang, Adel El-marghany
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 2024
28. Title of the Publication : Thermally processed phase change behavior on the stoichiometric efficacy of quaternary Se77. 5-X Te20 Sn2. 5 AgX (X= 2.5, 5, 7.5) thin films
Name of the authors: Karthikeyan Kandhasamy, Matheswaran Palanisamy, Shankar Hari, Shradha Suman, Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran, Pandiyarasan Veluswamy, Gokul Bangaru, Asokan Kandhasami
Journal name: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
Year: 2024
27. Title of the Publication : Improved ethanol sensing and photocatalytic Rhodamine B dye degradation of Ni-SnO2 nanoparticles
Name of the authors: Sridhar Sampath, Sudha Dharmar, Karthik Chinnasamy, Gokul Bangaru, Mugundan Sankar, Sreedevi Gedi, Mohd Shkir, M Aslam Manthrammel
Journal name: Materials Science and Engineering: B
Year: 2023
26. Title of the Publication : Effects of Heavy Ion Irradiation on the Thermoelectric Properties of In2(Te1−xSex)3 Thin Films
Name of the authors: Mannu Pandian, Alageshwaramoorthy Krishnaprasanth, Matheswaran Palanisamy, Gokul Bangaru, Ramcharan Meena, Chung-Li Dong, Asokan Kandasami
Journal name: Nanomaterials
Year: 2022
25.Title of the Publication : Exchange bias and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of non-stoichiometric CoxFe3− xO4 nanoparticles
Name of the authors: B Gokul, P Matheswaran, M Pandian, C Arun Paul, K Ravikumar, Abd El-Rehim
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 202224.Title of the Publication : Visible light photocatalytic and magnetic properties of V doped α-Fe2O3 (VFO) nanoparticles synthesized by polyol assisted hydrothermal method
Name of the authors: R Ramprasath, L Arul Pragasan, V Manikandan, S Sudha, S Cholan, Abdullah A Alarfaj, Abdurahman Hajinur Hirad, B Gokul, Sridhar Sampath
Journal name: Chemosphere
Year: 202223.Title of the Publication : Polyol-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Mn-doped α–Fe2O3 (MFO) nanostructures: Spin disorder-induced magnetism and photocatalytic properties.
Name of the authors: R Ramprasath, Velu Manikandan, S Aldawood, S Sudha, S Cholan, N Kannadasan, Sridhar Sampath, B Gokul
Journal name: Environmental Research
Year: 202222.Title of the Publication : Enhanced Triethylamine Gas Sensing and Photocatalytic Performance of Sn doped NiO (SNO) nanoparticles
Name of the authors: S Sudha, R Ramprasath, S Cholan, B Gokul, S Sridhar, HE Ali, M Shkir
Journal name: Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Year: 202221.Title of the Publication : Electrical transport properties of Indium chalcogenide thin films and their thermoelectric applications
Name of the authors: Pandian Mannu, P.Matheswaran Palanisamy, B. Gokul , Sathyamoorthy Ramakrishnan, Meena Ramcharan, Asoakn Kandasami,
Journal name: Materials Today Proceedings
Year: 202220.Title of the Publication : Polymorphism induced magnetic transitions in Ni(OH)2 nanostructures
Name of the authors: B Gokul, P Matheswaran, M Pandian, C Arun Paul, K Ravikumar, V Gopala Krishnan, Mohd Shkir, S AlFaify Gedi, Sreedevi,
Journal name: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Year: 202119. Title of the Publication : Enhancement of thermoelectric performance of n-type In2(Te0.94Se0.06)3 thin films by electronic excitations
Name of the authors: M.Pandian,P.Matheswaran,B.Gokul,R.Sathyamoorthy,Meena R Chung-LiDong K.Asokan
Journal name: Applied Surface Science
Year: 202018. Title of the Publication : Study on the field-cooling induced magnetic interactions in Gd-doped NiO nanoparticles
Name of the authors: B Gokul,P Saravanan,P Matheswaran,M Pandian,R Sathyamoorthy,K Asokan,Vellora Thekkae Padil Vinod,Miroslav Černík
Journal name: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Year: 202017. Title of the Publication : Temperature-dependent AC conductivity and dielectric and impedance properties of ternary In–Te–Se nanocomposite thin films
Name of the authors: M.Pandian,P.Matheswaran,B.Gokul,R.Sathyamoorthy, K.Asokan,Pawan Kumar
Journal name: Applied Physics A
Year: 201916. Title of the Publication : Structural transition behavior in Indium chalcogenide thin films
Name of the authors: M. Pandian,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,K. Asokan
Journal name: Materials Today Proceedings
Year: 201915. Title of the Publication : Structural and thermoelectric properties of Se doped In2Te3 thin films
Name of the authors: M. Pandian,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,M. Ramachandran,K. Asokan
Journal name: AIP Advances
Year: 201814. Title of the Publication : Design and fabrication of Al/Sr: SnO2/p-Si schottky barrier diode based on strontium-doped SnO2 thin film
Name of the authors: . K Ravikumar, S Agilan,M Raja, L Raja, B Gokul,R Ganesh,N Muthukumarasamy
Journal name: Materials Research Express
Year: 201813. Title of the Publication : Preparation and Characterization of Indium Chalcogenide Thin Films : A material for phase change memory
Name of the authors: M. Pandian,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,K. Asokan
Journal name: Applied Surface Science
Year: 201812. Title of the Publication : Structural, optical and electrical properties of In2(Te1-xSex)3 thin films
Name of the authors: M. Padian,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,K. Asokan
Journal name: Vacuum
Year: 201811. Title of the Publication : A study on the origin of room temperature ferromagnetism in Ni1− xGdxO nanoparticles
Name of the authors: B Gokul,P Saravanan,VTP Vinod,M Černík,R Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Year: 201510. Title of the Publication : Synthesis of Ni/NiO nanocomposites by hydrothermal-assisted polyol process and their magnetic properties as a function of annealing temperature
Name of the authors: B Gokul,P Saravanan,VTP Vinod,M Černík,R Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: Powder Technology
Year: 20159.Title of the Publication : Structural and morphological properties of Ag ion irradiated SnO2 thin films
Name of the authors: K.M. Abhirami,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,K. Asokan
Journal name: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Year: 20158.Title of the Publication : Fabrication of p-n junction diode using SnO/SnO2 thin films and its device characteristics
Name of the authors: R Sathyamoorthy, KM Abhirami, B Gokul, Sanjeev Gautam, Keun Hwa Chae, K Asokan
Journal name: Electronic Materials Letters
Year: 20147.Title of the Publication : Swift heavy ion provoked structural, optical and electrical properties in SnO2 thin films
Name of the authors: K.M. Abhirami,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,K. Asokan
Journal name: Applied Physics A
Year: 20136.Title of the Publication : Effect of SHI irradiation on the morphology of SnO2 thin film prepared by reactive thermal evaporation
Name of the authors: K.M. Abhirami,P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,D. Kanjilal,K. Asokan
Journal name: Vacuum
Year: 20135.Title of the Publication : Structural and Dielectric properties of NiO nanoparticles
Name of the authors: B. Gokul,P. Matheswaran,K.M.Abhirami
Journal name: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Year: 20134.Title of the Publication : Influence of annealing on the physical properties of CdO thin films by SILAR method
Name of the authors: B. Gokul,P. Matheswaran,R. Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science and Technology
Year: 20133.Title of the Publication : Magnetic properties of Ni (OH)2nanostructures
Name of the authors: B Gokul,R Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: AIP Conference Proceedings
Year: 20132.Title of the Publication : 130 MeV Au ion irradiation induced dewetting on In2Te3 thin film
Name of the authors: P. Matheswaran,K.M. Abhirami,B. Gokul,R. Sathyamoorthy,Jai PrakashK. Asokan
Journal name: Applied Surface Science
Year: 20121.Title of the Publication : Thickness dependent structural and optical properties of In/Te bilayer thin films
Name of the authors: P. Matheswaran,B. Gokul,K.M. Abhirami,R. Sathyamoorthy
Journal name: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
Year: 2012
2.Title of the Publication :
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1. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :2. Name of the patent :
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Application/Granted Number :National
1. Name of the patent :
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1.Title of the Conference : Synthesis, characterization, consolidation and modelling of Nanomaterials” (ICON – 2010)
Name of the Author : B.Gokul, R. Sathyamoorthy, P. Sudhagar, R. Saravana Kumar, Y.S. Kang
Year : 2010
Institution: PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore2.Title of the Conference : Symposium for Research Scholars on Metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering (ISRS-2010)
Name of the Author : B. Gokul, P. Matheswaran, R. Saravana Kumar, R. Sathyamoorthy, Yong Soo Kang
Year : 2010
Institution: Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai3.Title of the Conference : Magnetic Materials and Applications (ICMAGMA-2013)
Name of the Author : B. Gokul, R. Sathyamoorthy, K. Asokan, T. S. Tripathi
Year : 2013
Institution: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati4.Title of the Conference : Magnetic Materials and Applications (ICMAGMA-2015)
Name of the Author : B. Gokul, P. Saravanan, R. Sathyamoorthy
Year : 2015
Institution: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore5.Title of the Conference : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2017)
Name of the Author : B. Gokul, R. Sathyamoorthy, P. Matheswaran, M.Pandian
Year : 2017
Institution: SRM University, Chennai6.Title of the Conference : Advanced Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Healthcare Applications (ANEH-2018)
Name of the Author : B. Gokul, R. Sathyamoorthy, P. Matheswaran, M. Pandian
Year : 2018
Institution: K.S.R College of Arts and Science for women, TiruchengodeNational
1.Title of the Conference : Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites (NCMNN-2010)
Name of the Author : B.Gokul, R. Sathyamoorthy, P. Sudhagar, R. Saravana Kumar, Y.S. Kang
Year : 2010
Institution: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore2.Title of the Conference : Developing scenario in Applied Sciences and Communicative English
Name of the Author : B.Gokul, P. Matheswaran, R. Sathyamoorthy
Year : 2012
Institution: Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore3.Title of the Conference : Seminar on Advanced Materials: Processing and Applications
Name of the Author : B.Gokul, P. Matheswaran, N. Kavipriya, R. Sathyamoorthy
Year : 2012
Institution: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Books Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Books :
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Year :Chapter Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Chapter :
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Year :
1. Name of the Authors :
ID/Ref No :
Year :
Courses Handled by Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Course Teaching
- Mechanics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Mathematical Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Atomic and Molecular Spectrosocpy
Course Material
Projects Handled by Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Funded Project
1. Funding Agency Name : Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi
Title of the project : Enhancing exchange bias coupling with diluted antiferromagnets through ion beam implantation
Funding Agency : Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi
Amount : Beam time experiment only
Duration : 2019 - 2022
Research Guidance of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1. Ms.R.Akshaya
Title of the Thesis :
Date of Award : OngoingCompleted
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Thesis :
Date of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :
Date of Award :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :
Date of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
Institutional Responsibilities of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Administrative (KASC)
1.Name of the Responsibility : Swayam Course
Period : 2018 - Till date
Designation : Department Coordiantor
Nature of the Responsibility : Motivating and Mentoring students in SWAYAM online courses2.Name of the Responsibility : Alumni Association
Period : 2020 - Till date
Designation : Department Coordiantor
Nature of the Responsibility : Organising Alumni Meet and other Alumni related activities3.Name of the Responsibility : Certificate Course Coordinator
Period : 2021 - Till date
Designation : Department Coordiantor
Nature of the Responsibility : Conducting a Certificate Course on Electronic Instrumentation4. Name of the Responsibility : AQAR member
Period : 2022 - Till date
Designation : Department Coordiantor
Nature of the Responsibility : AQAR activities
Awards & Memberships of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Academic awards
1.Awarding agency :
Country :
Title of paper :
Date of Award :Membership
Membership in Professional Bodies
1.Organization : Indian Science Congress Association, Coimbatore Chapter
Type of Membership : Annual Member
Period :Till date
Visits/Collaborations/Others of Dr.B.Gokul (Management Staff)

- Permanent Magnets
- Thermoelectrics
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS