Profile of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Research Area
- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
Featured Publications
- The study on Ni and Ti-co-doped BiFeO3 nanorods: quenching of magnetism
- Chemical growth and study of low intensity sensing ability of nanobranch and nanorod structured SnO2 UV detector
Courses Teaching
- Nanoscience and Applications
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Electronics and Communication
- Characterization of Materials
- Applied Physics
Education & Career of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Ph. D
Subject : Physics
Institution : Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Affiliated University : Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Year of Award : 2008M.Sc
Subject : Material Science
Institution : PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Anna University
Year of Award : 2004B.Sc
Subject : Physics
Institution : Government Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2002Career
Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 6.12.2010 - Till DatePast Experience
Institute Name: Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : June 2008 - 4.12.2010
Research Areas of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Fabrication of sensors based on nanotechnology for the applications of sensing photons and gas molecules.
Fabrication of instruments for the measurements and sythesis of nanomaterials and Graphical User Interface (GUI) is developed for automating the same.
Publications of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
14. Title of the Publication : Chemical growth and study of low intensity sensing ability of nanobranch and nanorod structured SnO2 UV detector
Name of the authors: Marimuthu, G., Saravanakumar, K., Jeyadheepan, K., Mahalakshmi, K.
Journal name: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Year: 202213. Title of the Publication : Razad, P.M., Saravanakumar, K., Reddy, V.R., Choudhary, R.J., Mahalakshmi, K.
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 202212. Title of the Publication : Judging phase purity of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles through structural and magnetic studies
Name of the authors: Justus, J.S., Dharma Roy, S.D., Saravanakumar, K., Ezhil Raj, A.M.
Journal name: Materials Research Express
Year: 202111. Title of the Publication : Tailoring the Size and Magnetization of Titanium-Doped BiFeO3 Nanorods
Name of the authors: P. M. Razad, K. Saravanakumar, V. R. Reddy, R. J. Choudhary, K. Jeyadheepan, K. Mahalakshmi
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 20212008-2020
10. Title of the Publication : Realization of highly conducting and transparent SnO2 thin films by optimizing F/Sn molar ratio for electrochemical applications
Name of the authors: Karthick, P., Saravanakumar, K., Sanjeeviraja, C., Jeyadheepan, K
Journal name: Thin Solid Films
Year: 20209.Title of the Publication : Investigations of ZnO Nanorod Films Grown by Hydrothermal Method for Ethanol Gas Sensor
Name of the authors: S. Jainulabdeen, C. Gopinathan, A. Mumtaz Parveen, K. Mahalakshmi, K. Jeyadheepan and K. Saravanakumar
Journal name: International Journal of Nanoscience
Year: 20208.Title of the Publication : Development of highly performing TiO2 complex thin films by novel combined physico-chemical process for enhanced photo-catalytic applications
Name of the authors: P Karthick, T Thanmathikalai, M Manoj Cristopher, K Saravanakumar, C Gopalakrishnan, K Jeyadheepan
Journal name: Ceramics International
Year: 20207.Title of the Publication : Influence of twin boundaries on the photocurrent decay of nanobranch and dense-forest structured SnO2 UV photodetectors
Name of the authors: G Marimuthu, K Saravanakumar, K Jeyadheepan, PM Razad, M Jithin, VR Sreelakshmi, K Mahalakshmi
Journal name: Superlattices and Microstructures
Year: 20196.Title of the Publication : Growth, mechanism and properties of TiO2 nanorods embedded nanopillar: Evidence of lattice orientation effect
Name of the authors: M. Jithin, K. Saravanakumar, V. Ganesan, V.R. Reddy, P.M. Razad,Manju Mishra Patidar, K. Jeyadheepan, G. Marimuthu, V.R. Sreelakshmi, K. Mahalakshmi
Journal name: Superlattices and Microstructures
Year: 20175.Title of the Publication : Novel report on single phase BiFeO3 nanorod layer synthesized rapidly by novel hot-wall spray pyrolysis system: evidence of high magnetization due to surface spins
Name of the authors: P.M. Razad, K. Saravanakumar, V. Ganesan, R.J. Choudhary, A. Moses Ezhil Raj, R. Devaraj, M. Jithin, K. Mahalakshmi, Manju Mishra Patidar, V.R. Sreelakshmi, G. Marimuthu, C. Sanjeeviraja
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 20174.Title of the Publication : Role of hexamine: growth of multiarmed ZnO nanorods and evidence of merging due to lateral growth
Name of the authors: R. Devaraj, K. Venkatachalam, K. Saravanakumar, P.M. Razad, K. Mahalakshmi
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 20163.Title of the Publication : Effect of nitrogen doped titanium dioxide (N-TiO2) thin films by jet nebulizer spray technique suitable for photoconductive study
Name of the authors: C. Ravidhas, B. Anitha, A. Moses Ezhil Raj, K. Ravichandran, T. C. Sabari Girisun, K. Mahalakshmi, K. Saravanakumar, C. Sanjeeviraja
Journal name: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Year: 20152.Title of the Publication : Effect of Substrate Orientation on Structural and Magnetic Properties of BiMnO3 Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Name of the authors: K.S. Pugazhvadivu, K. Tamilarasan, K. Saravanakumar, V. Ganesan
Journal name: Physics Procedia
Year: 20131.Title of the Publication : The influence of substrate temperature on the electrical properties of ZnO films prepared by the RF magnetron sputtering technique
Name of the authors: K Saravanakumar, V Senthilkumar, C Sanjeeviraja, M Jayachandran, V Ganesan, Raushan B Koizhaiganova, T Vasudevan, Mu Sang Lee
Journal name: Nano
Year: 2008
2.Title of the Publication :
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Application/Granted Number :National
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Books Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Books : Existence and stability results for stochastic fractional differential equations with Lévy noise
Author : Dr. N. Annapoorani
Name of the Publisher : Palanivel
ISBN : 10.5958/1945-919X.2020.00001.8
Year : August 2017Chapter Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Chapter :
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Year :
Courses Handled by Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Course Teaching
- Nanoscience and Applications
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Electronics and Communication
- Characterization of Materials
- Applied Physics
- Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Digital Electronics and Microprocessors
- Condensed Matter Physics
Course Material
Projects Handled by Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Funded Project
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Indore
Title of the project : Multiferroic behavior of codoped BiFeO3 thin films [Ba, (Ni, Ti)]
Funding Agency : UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Indore.
Amount : Rs. 10.17547 Lakhs
Duration : 2014 - 2018
2. Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai
Title of the project : Fabrication and Performance Study of Self Powered Photodetector towards Practical Usage
Funding Agency : Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai
Amount : Rs. 4 Lakhs
Duration : 2020 - 2021
1. Funding Agency Name
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Consultancy Project
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Title of the project :
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1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
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Duration :
Research Guidance of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1. Dr.P.M.Razad
Title of the Thesis : Study of Growth and Magnetic Properties of Pure and Ni, Ti Doped BiFeO3 Nanostructured Thin Films.
Date of Award : 14.12.20172. Dr.M.Jithin
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 thin films with different morphologies and Study its self cleaning and photocatalytic dye degradation activities.
Date of Award : 27.06.20193. Mr.G.Marimuthu
Title of the Thesis : Systematic Approach in the Development and Fabrication of Highly Performing SnO2 based Nanoarray Structured Self-Powered UV Photodetector
Date of Award : 16.03.2022
1 .G. Sampathkumar
Title of the Thesis : Thin Films
Date of Award : OngoingCompleted
1. B. Naveen Antony Brito
Title of the Thesis : Novel Growth of TiO2 nanopillar by nanocrystals due to lattice orientation effect
Date of Award : Mar-162. A. Ramachandran
Title of the Thesis : Structural Study with Rietveld Refinement and Surface Morphological Properties of PbS thinfilms for different Thiourea Concentration.
Date of Award : Feb-143. P.V. Nidhin
Title of the Thesis : Growth Mechanism of Chemically Deposited CdS cluster Morphological Thin Films
Date of Award : Jul-134. C.Arunpaul
Title of the Thesis : Synthesis and Study of CdS thin films on Conducting Substrates for Solar Cell Fabrication
Date of Award : Jun-13
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Year of Award :
Institutional Responsibilities of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Administrative (KASC)
1.Name of the Responsibility : Discipline Committee Member
Period : 2018 - Till date
Designation : Member
Nature of the Responsibility : Discipline Committee Member2.Name of the Responsibility : Board of Studies Member
Period : 2010 - Till date
Designation : Member
Nature of the Responsibility : Board of Studies Member
Awards & Memberships of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Academic awards
1.Awarding agency :
Country :
Title of paper :
Date of Award :Membership
Membership in Professional Bodies
1.Awarding agency :
Country :
Title of paper :
Date of Award :
Visits/Collaborations/Others of Dr.K.Saravanakumar

- Nanosensors
- Instrumentation
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS