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Profile of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama


Research Area

  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama

Featured Publications

Courses Teaching

Education & Career of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama



Ph. D
Subject : English
Institution : Ooty Government Arts College, Ooty.
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University. 
Year of Award : 2020

Subject : English    
Institution : Dept. of Engish and Comparative Studies  
Affiliated University : Madurai  Kamaraj  University  
Year of Award : 1992

Subject :  English
Institution : Dept. of Engish and Foreign Languages 
Affiliated University : Gandhigram Rural Univeristy
Year of Award : 1991

Subject : English
Institution: Scott  Christian College, Nagarkovil
Affiliated University : Madurai Kamaraj University
Year of Award : 1989



Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore . 
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period :July 2000- till date

Past Experience

Institute Name: PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. 
Designation : Assistant  Professor
Period : Sep 1993 -July 2000


Research Areas of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama


Title of the Research Area

Description of the Title:


Publications of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama



2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


1.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:



2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


1.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:



1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 


1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 



1.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 

2.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 


1.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 

2.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 


Books Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Books :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year : 

Chapter Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Chapter :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year :


1. Name of the Authors :  
    ID/Ref No : 
    Year : 


Courses Handled by
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama


Course Teaching


Course Material



Projects Handled by
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama


Funded Project 


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 


Consultancy Project


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency : 

Amount : 

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount : 

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 



Research Guidance of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award : 



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



Institutional Responsibilities of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama


Administrative (KASC)

1.Name of the Responsibility :
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Administrative (Other)

1.Name of the Responsibility :
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Awards & Memberships of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama



Academic awards

1.Awarding agency : 
   Country : 
   Title of paper :
   Date of Award :


Membership in Professional Bodies

1.Awarding agency : 
   Country : 
   Title of paper :
   Date of Award :


Visits/Collaborations/Others of
Dr.S. Nagaraja

Dr.S. Nagaraja
Associate Professor and Head
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Modern Drama



1.Countries Visits : Srilanka
   Duration of Visit : 5 days
   Month and Year : November 2018
   Purpose of Visit : Paper presentation in International Conference


