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Profile of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management


Research Area

Marketing Management

Featured Publications


  1. Published a paper titled “A Study on the Challenges Faced by the Startup Ventures in Coimbatore” in A Multidisciplinary International Level Refereed Journal, ISSN 2230-9578, Vol 15, Issuse 13, May 2023
  2. Participated and presented paper in International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: A Qualitative Study on Robo-Advisors and Traditional Financial Advisors” at Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore published ISBN No.978-81-965287-0-6 on 14th September 2023.

Courses Teaching

Corporate Accounting

Management Information Systems

Finanacial Accountng

MS office


Visual Basic

Database Mangement System

Object Oriented Programming with C++

Managerial Economics

Marketing Management

Management Accounting

Financial Management

Entrepreneurial Development

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Information Technology

Research Methodology

Cost Accounting

Cyber Law

Human Rights

Commercial Law


Education & Career of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management



NET    -Commerce     UGC-2011


Subject :Commerce- Marketing                  

Institution : Bharathiar university-SDE
Affiliated University :Bharathiar university-SDE
Year of Award :2008


Subject: Computer Applications                 

Institution: Annamalai University

Affiliated University: Annamalai University                  

Year of Award:2006


Subject :Management- Marketing
Institution:Bharathiar university-SDE
Affiliated University :Bharathiar university-SDE
Year of Award :2009

Subject :Commerce- Marketing
Institution :Kongunadu Arts & Science College, CBE
Affiliated University :Bharathiar university
Year of Award :2006

Subject : Commerce
Institution:C.S.I.Bishop Appasamy college of arts and science,CBE
Affiliated University :Bharathiar University
Year of Award :2004



Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science college, Coimbatore
Designation :Assistant Professor
Period : 13 July 2022 - till date

Past Experience

Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science college, Coimbatore
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 29 November 2006 -  August 2011

Institute Name:
Designation :
Period :

Institute Name:
Designation :
Period :


Research Areas of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management


Title of the Research Area

Description of the Title:

Publications of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management



3.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:

1.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:




2.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:


1.Title of the Publication :
   Name of the authors:
   Journal name:



1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 


1. Name of the patent : 
    Year :
    Application/Granted Number : 

2. Name of the patent : 
    Year : 
    Application/Granted Number : 



1.Title of the Conference :
   Name of the Author :
   Year : 

2.Title of the Conference : 
   Name of the Author : 
   Year : 


1.Title of the Conference :
   Name of the Author :
   Year : 


Books Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Books :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year : 

Chapter Edited Year Wise

.1.Title of the Chapter :
    Author :
    Name of the Publisher : 
    ISBN : 
    Year :


1. Name of the Authors :  
    ID/Ref No : 
    Year : 


Courses Handled by
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management


Course Teaching


Course Material



Projects Handled by
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management


Funded Project 


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration :

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 


Consultancy Project


1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount :

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :

Funding Agency : 

Amount :

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency : 

Amount : 

Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project : 

Funding Agency :

Amount : 

Duration : 

1. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 

2. Funding Agency Name

Title of the project :
Funding Agency : 
Amount : 
Duration : 



Research Guidance of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Thesis : 
  Date of Submission : 
  Date of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :
  Date of Award :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Award :

2.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Award :




1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Date of Submission :


1.Name of the Candidate :
  Title of the Dissertation :
  Year of Award :



Institutional Responsibilities of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management


Administrative (KASC)

1.Name of the Responsibility :
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Administrative (Other)

1.Name of the Responsibility :
  Period : 
  Designation : 
  Nature of the Responsibility :


Awards & Memberships of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management



Academic awards

1.Awarding agency : 
   Country : 
   Title of paper :
   Date of Award :


Membership in Professional Bodies

1.Organization : 
   Type of Membership : 


Visits/Collaborations/Others of
Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria

Mrs.M.Princess Monica Victoria
Assistant Professor
Research Area

Marketing Management



1.Countries Visits : 
   Duration of Visit : 
   Month and Year : 
   Purpose of Visit :


