Profile of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Research Area
- Fiction
Featured Publications
"Social Hypocrisy of Maureen in the Bluest Eye"
"Despair Syndrome in Toni Morrison's Beloved"
Courses Teaching
Research Paper Writing
Indian Writing in English
Communicative English I
Education & Career of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Ph. D
Subject : English (Fiction)
Institution : Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : PursingM.Phil
Subject : English ( Fiction)
Institution : PSG College of Arts & Science
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2012M.A
Subject : English Literature With Computer Application
Institution : Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2009B.A
Subject : English Literature
Institution: Government Arts College
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : ]B.Ed.
Subject : English
Institution: PPG College of Education
Affiliated University : Tamilnadu Teacher's Education University
Year of Award : 2010M.Ed.
Subject : English
Institution: PPG College of Education
Affiliated University : Tamilnadu Teacher's Education University
Year of Award : 2011Career
Institute Name: Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Designation : Assistant Professor
Period : 2012 - Till DatePast Experience
Institute Name:
Designation :
Period : From Year -To Year
Research Areas of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Publications of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1.Title of the Publication :Despair Syndrome in Toni Morrison's Beloved
Name of the authors: C Sakthivel
Journal name:Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
Year:20212.Title of the Publication :Social Hypocrisy of Maureen in the Bluest Eye
Name of the authors: C Sakthivel
Journal name:JETIR
1.Title of the Publication :
Name of the authors:
Journal name:
2.Title of the Publication :
Name of the authors:
Journal name:
1.Title of the Publication : I
Name of the authors:
Journal name: J
1. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :2. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :National
1. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :2. Name of the patent :
Year :
Application/Granted Number :
1.Title of the Conference : A Crirical Appreciation of the poem Night of the Scorpion
Name of the Author : C Sakthivel
Year : 2009
Institution: Karunya University2.Title of the Conference :
Name of the Author :
Year :
2. Title of the Conference : The Art Of Public Speaking in A National Conference On Soft Skills on ‘Being To Becoming’
Name of the Author : C Sakthivel
Year : 2015
Institution: Kodaikanal Christian College1.Title of the Conference : Victim Victor Patten in Shashi Deshpande's That Long Silence
Name of the Author : C Sakthivel
Year : 2010
Institution: Kongunadu Arts and Science College
Books Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Books :
Author :
Name of the Publisher :
Year :Chapter Edited Year Wise
.1.Title of the Chapter :
Author :
Name of the Publisher :
Year :
ID/Ref No :
Year :
Courses Handled by Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Course Teaching
- New Literatures in English
- American Literature
- Communicative English II
- Research Methodology
- Children's Literature
- Indian Writing in English
Course Material
Projects Handled by Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Funded Project
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
Consultancy Project
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
1. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
2. Funding Agency Name
Title of the project :
Funding Agency :
Amount :
Duration :
Research Guidance of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Thesis :
Date of Submission :
Date of Award :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Thesis :
Date of Submission :
Date of Award :
1.Name of the Candidate : K. Ranjana
Title of the Dissertation : Fiction
Date of Submission :
Date of Award :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate : A. Abinaya
Title of the Dissertation : The Theme of Virtue and Vice in the select novels of Roald Dahl- A Scrutiny
Date of Submission :30.09.2021
Date of Award : 15.03.2022
1.Name of the Candidate : JEEVANANTHAM P (202EL008)
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission : 2022Name of the Candidate : NEETHU G (202EL009)
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission : 2022Name of the Candidate : VIDNDHYA (202EL010)
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission : 2022Name of the Candidate : NIHIL BABU C M (202EL011)
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission : 2022
1.Name of the Candidate : NEDHISH P S (192EL011)
Title of the Dissertation : Women as Victim in Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence and A Matter of Time
Year of Award : 2021Name of the Candidate : THARANI R (192EL012)
Title of the Dissertation : Voice of voiceless in Mulkraj Anand’s Untouchable and Coolie.
Year of Award : 2021Name of the Candidate : ASHAMARY V (192EL013)
Title of the Dissertation : Journey for the Freedom in Ruskin Bond’s Room on the Roof and Vagrants in the Valley
Year of Award : 2021Name of the Candidate : RANI RENGANAYAKI S U (192EL015)
Title of the Dissertation : Rural Poverty and City’s Struggles for Survival as Projected in Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Seive and A Handful of Rice
Year of Award : 2021
1.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :
Date of Submission :Completed
1.Name of the Candidate :MUTHULAXHMI.R (181LE004)
Title of the Dissertation : Suffering and Survival: Fragmented Truths in Anita Desai`s :Cry, The PeacockYear of Award :2021
2.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :Year of Award :
3.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :Year of Award :
4.Name of the Candidate :
Title of the Dissertation :Year of Award :
Institutional Responsibilities of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Administrative (KASC)
1.Name of the Responsibility : CIA Committee Member
Period : 2021 - Till date
Designation : Member
Nature of the Responsibility : To Verify the CIA question papersAdministrative (Other)
1.Name of the Responsibility :
Period :
Designation :
Nature of the Responsibility :
Awards & Memberships of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
Academic awards
1.Awarding agency :
Country :
Title of paper :
Date of Award :Membership
Membership in Professional Bodies
1.Awarding agency :
Country :
Title of paper :
Date of Award :
Visits/Collaborations/Others of Mr.C. Sakthivel
- Fiction
ACADEMIC IDENTITY ScopusORCIDGoogle ScholarPublonsVidwan / IRINS
1.Countries Visits :
Duration of Visit :
Month and Year :
Purpose of Visit :Collaborations